What is Event Match Quality Score in Facebook?


Follow this guide to learn about the Event Match Quality Score in Facebook and how you can use it to increase conversions and data quality.

Event Match Quality Score

What is the Event Match Quality Score?

  • The Event Match Quality Score on Facebook is a metric that measures the effectiveness of the customer information parameters sent with your server events in matching those events to your Meta account.
  • This score, which ranges from 0 to 10, reflects how well the data associated with an event aligns with Facebook’s systems, impacting your ad performance and conversion reporting.

How Event Match Quality is Determined?

  • Event match quality is assessed by Meta based on the quality of customer information provided and the percentage of events successfully matched to Meta accounts. This scoring system evaluates the data you send with each event, such as page views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases, and determines how often these events correspond with user accounts on Meta platforms.
  • Scores are calculated using the last 48 hours of data, so it is important to maintain a regular flow of events to ensure your scores remain accurate and reflective of current performance.

Improving Your Event Match Quality Score:

  • Increase Coverage of Customer Information Parameters: The more customer information parameters you include with your events, the better the chances of successful matching. Parameters such as email addresses, phone numbers, and user IDs help Meta’s system more accurately identify and attribute user actions.
  • Prioritize Key Parameters: Focus on including parameters that are most likely to improve match quality based on your target audience. While each parameter has its importance, some may offer greater benefits depending on the demographics and behaviors of the audience you are targeting.
  • Regularly Send Events: Since scores are based on recent data, ensure that you continuously send events to keep your match quality scores up-to-date.