How to Set Up Pinterest in Elevar Server-Side Destination

Learn how to set up Pinterest in Elevar Server-Side Destination


Follow the step by step guide to launching your Pinterest server-side tracking.

The Pinterest Sales Channel does not allow you to separate use of the Catalog vs the Pixel in the app. You can either use another software for your Pinterest Feed Management like GoDataFeed or continue to use the native app for your Pinterest Pixel tracking.


  • Before you can enable your Pinterest Server-Side Destination, you will need to install our Shopify Source in your Elevar App. Follow our guide on how to implement the Shopify Source.

Add Pinterest as a Server-Side Destination

Locate Pinterest Destination:

  • On the homepage of your Elevar Account, locate the "My Tracking" button from the left-hand menu.
  • Once, in "My Tracking" select the "Add Destination" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    • A side bar pop-up window will appear, titled "Add Destination".
    • Within this pop-up, use the search function and type "Pinterest".
    • Once the Pinterest destination appears from the search function, click on it.
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Get Started:

  • After locating and clicking on the Pinterest destination, you will be taken to overview screen.
  • Click the "Get Started" button in the lower left-hand corner of the Overview box.
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

_Figure 2_

Entering Pinterest Settings

Pinterest Settings:

  • Within the "Pinterest Settings", you will need to add in certain Pinterest settings to connect your account. click on the "Save and Continue" box at the bottom of this section.
  • Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the "Save and Continue" box at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 3 screenshot

Figure 3


Note: The Pinterest API Version is automatically set to the latest available by default. At this time (April 2023), the only version we support is Pinterest's API Version 5.

Select Events:

  • Once you have entered your Pinterest Settings, you have to select the Event settings.
    • Either click on the button labeled "Use best practices" or "Customize".
    • Under the "Breakdown" menu, you can customize the events that are passed. Pinterest recommends sending data both via server-side & client-side; Pinterest will deduplicate the data for you.
  • After selecting what events you want to send, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 4)

Step 4 screenshot

Figure 4

Consent Mode:

  • After selecting the Events settings, you will be prompted to enable Consent Mode.
  • To enable Consent Mode, click on the "Yes, enable for this destination" button. If you do not want to enable Consent Mode, click on the "No" button.
    • If consent is required, select what categories you’d like the shopper to agree to before tracking fires. [Learn More]
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for enabling Consent Mode, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 5)

Step 5 screenshot

Figure 5

Select Transaction Identifier:

  • After selecting details for Consent Mode, you need to choose a Transaction Identifier.
    • Click on either the "Order ID" or "Order Name" button. Typically, "Order ID" is the most commonly used transaction identifier for the Pinterest integration.
  • After selecting the Transaction Identifier, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 6)

Step 6 screenshot

Figure 6

Select Product Identifier:

  • After selecting the Transaction Identifier, you need to choose a Product Identifier.
    • Click on either the "Product ID", "Product SKU", or the "Variant ID" button.
  • After selecting the Transaction Identifier, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 7)

Step 7 screenshotFigure 7

Filter Transactions:

  • After selecting details for the Product Identifier, you need to choose whether or not to filter transactions.
  • Currently, our recommended practices suggests clicking the button labeled, "Yes, Block some transactions", and blocking exchange & historical import orders.
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Filtered Transactions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 8)

Step 8 screenshot

Figure 8


  • If you sell subscriptions, select whether you are using the unified Shopify checkout, or using a separate checkout. Then, navigate to the section titled, "Would you like to send recurring transactions?" select the button labeled "No, block" or "Yes, send".
  • If you do not sell subscriptions, select the button labeled "No".
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Subscriptions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 9)

Step 9 screenshot

Figure 9

Web Container Setup:

  • After selecting the required information for subscriptions, you will need to set up the web container.
    • Locate and click on the button labaled "Download Pre-Built Web Tags".
    • Then, you will need to import these tags into Google Tag Manager.
  • Once you have completed the Web Container Setup, click on the "Mark as Complete" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 10)

Figure 10 ### Go Live:- After completing all of the previous Pinterest Setup Steps, an Overview page will appear.

  • If all of the details within the Configuration Summary look correct, then click on the button labeled "Go Live" at the bottom of this section.
  • A pop-up window will appear, asking for a confirmation of your changes.
  • Click on the button labeled "Yes, Go Live".
    • (See Figure 11)Step 11 screenshotFigure 11### Remove Previous Tracking:Remove any previous tracking you've had hardcoded in your theme or tags in Google Tag Manager(GTM).### QA Tracking:Review that the new Elevar Events are passing the data that you need. If all looks good update your campaigns to use the event based conversions.