What is "Audience Source Not Sending Required Parameter" Error in Google Ads?

Are you seeing Audience Source Error after setting up your Dynamic Remarketing for Retail? Keep reading!

Google Ads is saying: Your campaigns can't tailor dynamic ads based on user activity when your audience source doesn't send the required parameter. Make sure the required parameter is being sent correctly.

Issue: ecomm_prodid never received

The GOOD NEWS is that the audience source error you are seeing can sometimes be a FALSE POSITIVE error that we see quite a bit.

How to confirm if this is an issue for you:

Go to your Audience Sources dashboard and verify that the data is being received for ID and ecomm_prodid.

It should look like this:

In the image above you're seeing id and ecomm_prodid receiving hits in 1 day and 30 day periods.

Google Ads states they want the "id" sent as primary ID which you can read more about here: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7305793?hl=en

We are sending both in our pre-built tags in GTM. However id is our primary parameter being sent.

If you've just deployed Elevar to your website then it can take 48-72 hours for this error to subside.

Questions? Please email us at [email protected] so we can help you out!