Implementing Server to Server Events
Pass event data directly to Elevar from your server
After completing your browser setup, you may chose to setup up server-to-server data processing to pass data via the API directly to from your server to Elevar's server. You will need to build the event payload in the required shape for the event data to be accepted via Elevar's Server.
Important Notice:
Server-to-server event tracking is only required in specific cases. Before proceeding, please speak with your Elevar representative to confirm if this setup is necessary for your use case.
Implementing server-to-server tracking without proper validation may result in duplicate data or misconfigured tracking.
Implementing Server to Server Events
Build the Server Request
- You will need to build the request that will be sent to the Elevar server. Follow the formatting below. Find the values as shown in Figure 2 below.
fetch("{{insert Enpoint URL here}}?signature={{insert signing key here}}", {
headers: {
"X-Website-ID": "{{insert website ID value here}}"
body: JSON.stringify({
//See purchase event payload below
Locate the Your Request Values
Access API Source:
- Begin on your Elevar homepage and use the left-hand navigational menu to click on the "My Tracking" tab.
- Navigate to the Sources section of the page and click on the box labeled "API".
- (See Figure 1)
_Figure 1_
Locate Server Setup:
- Navigate to the section of the page titled "Endpoint URL" and click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button. Follow the guide to set up server-to-server data processing.
- Navigate to the section of the page titled "Website ID" and click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button. Follow the guide to set up server-to-server data processing.
- Navigate to the section of the page titled "Signing Key" and click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button. Follow the guide to set up server-to-server data processing.
- Once you have prepared your server to server events setup, click on the "Mark as Complete" button located at the bottom of this section.
- (See Figure 2)
_Figure 2_
Add the Purchase Event Payload
- The Purchase event
: Should fire when a user completes their purchase. This server-side event should only ever be sent once for each purchase.
let products = [];
let userProperties = {};
/** Purchase **/
event: "dl_purchase",
marketing: {
landing_site: ""// The first page that the user landed on when they visited your site with query parameters,
user_properties: userProperties,
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: "USD",
purchase: {
actionField: {
id: "4835925655784", // Order ID
order_name: "#1005", // Order User-Friendly ID
revenue: "185.3", // Revenue
tax: "15.3",
shipping: "0.0",
affiliation: "staging-fully-managed-ga4-all-events", // Store name
sub_total: "170.0", // Sub total
product_sub_total: "170.0", // Product Sub total
discount_amount: "0.0"
products: products
/** Products Array **/
const products = [
id: "LB00161-34689553170476", // SKU
name: "Lovebox Original Color & Photo", // Product title
brand: "Lovebox INC",
category: "Home,Living,Art & Objects,Tabletop",
variant: "USA wall plug",
price: "119.99",
quantity: "1", // Not required for dl_select_item & dl_view_item
position: "1", // Position in checkout starting at 1
list: "/art/wallhangings", // The list the product was discovered from
product_id: "6979886940352", // The product_id
variant_id: "41141193965760", // id or variant_id
compare_at_price: "139.99", // If available on dl_view_item & dl_add_to_cart otherwise use "0.0"
image: "//", // If available, otherwise use an empty string
inventory: "5" // If available, only required on dl_view_item
/** User Properties Object **/
// The majority of this information can only be retrieved for a logged in user
const userProperties = {
// The following fields aren't required if unavailable
customer_address_1: "1 Hills Plantation Drive",
customer_address_2: "",
customer_city: "Charleston",
customer_country: "United States",
customer_email: "[email protected]",
customer_first_name: "Bill",
customer_id: "5928549548188",
customer_last_name: "Call",
customer_order_count: "1",
customer_phone: "999-999-9999",
customer_province: "South Carolina",
customer_province_code: "SC",
customer_tags: "",
customer_total_spent: "0.0",
customer_zip: "22222",
// The following fields are required
user_consent: "", // Use an empty string
visitor_type: "logged_in" // "logged_in" || "guest"
Updated 18 days ago