How to Participate in Facebook's (Meta) Channel Lift Study
Learn the incremental impact that Meta has on an advertiser's other paid & organic channels
A Channel Lift study by Meta is designed to measure the incremental impact that advertising on Meta platforms has on an advertiser’s other paid and organic channels. You have likely received notification of this available study from your Meta rep.
Understanding the Channel Lift Study:
The Channel Lift Study event passes the same data as the standard Purchase event with the additional parameter of "channel_info" that contains the source and medium of the order. This is the data that will be used to conduct the lift study.
When utm data is found we pass this in the following format:
channel_info: {{utm_source}}_{{utm_medium}}
- Example:
channel_info: google_cpc
When referrer data is found we pass this in following format:
channel_info: {{referral URL}}_referral
- Example:
channel_info: google.com_referral
When no data is found we pass the source from Shopify in following format:
channel_info: direct_{{source_name}}
- Example:
channel_info: direct_Web
- Example:
channel_info: direct_Recharge
How to Enable the Channel Lift Event
Access Facebook Destination:
- Begin on your Elevar homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "My Tracking" tab.
- Navigate to the list of your destinations and click on the Facebook Destination.
- (See Figure 1)
_Figure 1_
Enable Channel Lift Study:
- Once in the Facebook destination, use the box titled "Setup Steps" box and click on the "Events" tab.
- Locate the section of the page titled "Events" and select the "Customize" button. Then, click on the "Breakdown" button to customize the events settings.
- Locate the "Channel Lift Study" and check the box to enable this event.
- Once you have entered all of the required information for enabling the Channel Lift Study, click on the "Save" button located at the bottom of the page.
- (See Figure 2)
_Figure 2_
Verify Event:
- When new custom events are passed into Facebook you'll need to wait until the data is received and then verify the custom event in Facebook Business Manager. You'll need to complete this step to view the data within Facebook.
Get Results:
- Contact your Meta representative to notify them when you have enabled this new event and are now passing channel lift data to your dataset/pixel.
- Your rep will then work with you on when to expect the channel lift study to be completed and what those results mean when available.
Updated about 2 months ago