Elevar Events and Properties Sent to Pub/Sub


Read this guide to learn about the events and properties that Elevar sends to Pub/Sub! Within the Elevar app, you can select from the following events and properties to send, allowing you to customize the data flow to your specific needs.

Elevar Events and Properties:

When setting up Pub/Sub as a server-side destination, several Elevar events are tracked. Below is a list of the events and their corresponding properties that are sent:

Event Name:Properties:
elevar_page_viewTriggered on all pageviews from your online store.
elevar_view_item_listTriggered on collection views from your online store.
elevar_select_itemTriggers when an item is selected.
elevar_view_itemTriggered on product detail views from your online store.
elevar_add_to_cartTriggered on all add to cart event actions from your online store.
elevar_view_cartTriggered when a user visits the cart page on your online store.
elevar_begin_checkoutTriggered when a user starts their checkout process.
elevar_add_shipping_infoTriggered when a user reaches the shipping step in their checkout process.
elevar_add_payment_infoTriggered when a user reaches the payment step in their checkout process.
elevar_purchaseTriggered on transaction events from all channels connected to your Shop.
elevar_subscription_purchaseTriggered when a shopper purchases a first time subscription order on a unified Shopify Checkout. Requires the purchase to include a product with a selling plan name or the "Subscription First Order" or "Ordergroove Trigger Order" tag to be added prior to order creation. Requires that the corresponding purchase event is enabled.
elevar_remove_from_cartTriggered on all remove from cart event actions from your online store.
elevar_view_search_resultsTriggered when a user views a search results page on your online store.
elevar_account_sign_upTriggered when a user signs up for an account on your online store.
elevar_loginTriggered when a user logs into their account on your online store.
elevar_refundTriggered when a customer returns items they've purchased and you have to refund a customer's payment.
elevar_email_sign_upTriggered when a user subscribes to an email list from your online store.


Event Tracking Customization:

Learn more about the event tracking customization currently available for the Pub/Sub destination.

  • Trigger checkout funnel events from checkout actions: This will use checkout create/update actions as the trigger for checkout funnel events, rather than checkout page loads.
  • Trigger purchase events from order creation: This will use order creation as the trigger for purchase events, rather than the "Thank You" page load. We recommend using this for better tracking.