How To Update the Facebook CAPI Token

Here's how you can easily update the FB CAPI Token


Note: Please make sure that you have full access to the FB Events Manager before following the steps below.

Step 1: Access Facebook Events Manager

Access Facebook Events Managers and select Data sources from the left navigation

Step 2: Select the Dataset you are using and go to your Settings tab

Step 3: Generate Access token

Then scroll down to the Conversion API section. You should see the "Generate Access Token" link

Once you click Generate Access Token you should see this:

Copy the Generated Token.

Update Your Token in the Elevar App

Navigate to your Elevar Dashboard > My Tracking > Facebook Destination

Click on "Facebook Settings"

  1. Replace the current "Conversion API Token" with the new one you copied earlier
  2. Set the "Facebook API Version" to the latest version.
  3. Save it!

That's it!