How to Send Recurring Orders to GA4 with the Attribution of the Original Order

Learn how the attribution for recurring orders works & how to attribute recurring orders to the source of the original orders


If you sell subscriptions, our Google Analytics server-side integration can send recurring orders to Google Analytics where the recurring orders can use the attribution from the first order.

This functionality works if:

  1. Your Subscription Software copies the original order when it creates a recurring order (most do)
  2. You've been running the Elevar DataLayer for long enough

How it Works:

How the Google Analytics Server-Side Attribution works:

  1. Elevar's DataLayer writes the attribution details (i.e. UTM parameters, click IDs, & cookie IDs) from the customer's session into the Order Notes of their Order.
  2. The server sends the attribution data in the order notes to Google Analytics.
  3. Google Analytics takes this attribution and associates it with the event scoped source/medium for the purchase event. NOTE: this will not update the session scoped source/medium which will display as unassigned.

How the Recurring Subscription Order Attribution Works:

As soon as you implemented the Elevar DataLayer, Elevar started recording attribution data in your one-time purchases and first subscription order purchases.

Typically, when a Subscription Software creates a recurring order, it copies the original order - including the original order notes. So when that recurring order is sent to GA, it has the same attribution details as the first subscription order.

However, you've probably been selling subscriptions long before you implemented Elevar. So for the recurring orders that are being created shortly after you've added the Elevar DataLayer, their first subscription order placed before Elevar's datalayer was in place. Therefore, these orders don't have the original attribution of the first order on their order notes. And there's no way for Elevar to be back in time and grab the original UTM or cookie IDs.

For any newly placed subscription first order, Elevar will record attribution details on the Order Notes. When your Subscription Software goes to create new recurring orders from these orders, if the Subscription Software copies the original order, the new recurring orders will have the attribution details from the original order.

How to Setup:

Step 1: Navigate to your GA4 Destination

Step 2: Navigate to your Subscription Settings

Step 3: Select Yes under "Do you sell subscription products?"

Step 4: Select whether you use Recharge/OrderGroove or another Subscription App

If you use another subscription app, add the Order Tag associated with your recurring orders.

Step 5: Select _Yes, send al_l for "Send recurring transactions to Google Analytics?"

Step 6: Select Yes for "Send recurring orders with original attribution?"

Step 7: Select Save