
Tracking your Carthook post-purchase upsells with Elevar


For Post-Purchase tracking with Carthook, follow our upsell guide

Follow this guide, How to Track Post Purchase Upsells, for an in-depth review of Upsell Event Tracking and how to set up post-purchase upsells with Elevar.

How to Add Upsell Event Tracking in Your Destinations

Locate Post-Purchase Page Settings:

  • Begin on your Shopify homepage and click on the "Settings" button or the gear icon in the lower left-hand corner of the page.
    • Using the left-hand menu, locate and click on the "Checkout" tab.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Post-purchase page".
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshotFigure 1

Add Code:

  • Copy the script below and add it in the "Additional Scripts" box of your Shopify Post-purchase page checkout settings.
    • Be sure to update the GTM-xxxxx near the top of the script with your Web Container ID.
    • The code below pushes a dl_upsell_purchase event when a user takes an upsell or downsell offer.
<!-- Begin Elevar Upsell Tracking -->
// Fires an dl_upsell_purchase event when customer takes upsell offer

(function (w, d, s, l, i) {
    w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({
            new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js'
    }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
        j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : ''; j.async = true; j.src =
            '' + i + dl; f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
})(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-XXX');

var upsellCount = 0;
(function() {
// EVENT HOOKS -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!Shopify.wasPostPurchasePageSeen) {
    onCheckout(window.Shopify.order, window.Shopify);

Shopify.on('CheckoutAmended', function (newOrder, initialOrder) {
    onCheckoutAmended(newOrder, initialOrder, window.Shopify);
// END EVENT HOOKS -------------------------------------------------------

// UTILS -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function called after original order is placed, pre upsell.
function onCheckout(initialOrder, shopifyObject) {
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    pushDLPurchase(initialOrder, initialOrder.lineItems, false, null, shopifyObject);

// Function called when upsell is taken. Separate the new/upsell
// items from the items in the initial order and then send a purchase event
// for just the new items.
function onCheckoutAmended(upsellOrder, initialOrder, shopifyObject) {
    // identify which items were added to the initial order, if any.
    // The line item id is unique for order items, even if the items contained are the same.
    // We can use this to seperate out items from the initial order from the upsell.
    var initialItemIds = (line) { return; });
    var addedItems = upsellOrder.lineItems.filter(
        function (line) { return initialItemIds.indexOf( < 0; }
    // if no new items were added skip tracking
    if (addedItems.length === 0) return;
    pushDLPurchase(upsellOrder, addedItems, true, initialOrder, shopifyObject);

function pushDLPurchase(order, addedItems, isUpsell, initialOrder, shopifyObject) {
        'event': isUpsell ? 'dl_upsell_purchase' : '',
        'event_id': getOrderId(, isUpsell),
        'user_properties': getUserProperties(order),
        'ecommerce': {
            'purchase': {
                'actionField': getActionField(order, isUpsell, initialOrder, addedItems, shopifyObject),
                'products': getLineItems(addedItems),
            'currencyCode': order.currency,
// Returns a user properties object
function getUserProperties(data) {
    return {
        'customer_first_name': data.customer.firstName,
        'customer_last_name': data.customer.lastName,
        'customer_order_count': data.customer.ordersCount,

// Gets line items in purchase
function getLineItems(lineItems) {
    return (item) {
        return {
            'category': item.product.type,
            'product_id': Number(,
            'id': item.variant.sku,
            // We don't get variant title details
            'variant': item.title,
            'name': item.title,
            'price': item.price.toString(),
            'quantity': item.quantity.toString(),
            // Not available
            // 'brand': orderItem.brand,

function getActionField(order, isUpsell, initialOrder, addedItems, shopifyObject) {
    var revenue = isUpsell ? getAdditionalRevenue(order, initialOrder) : order.totalPrice;
    var subtotal = isUpsell ? getAdditionalSubtotal(order, initialOrder) : order.subtotalPrice;
    try {
        affiliation = new URL(shopifyObject.pageUrl).hostname;
    } catch (e){
        affiliation = '';
    return {
        'action': "purchase",
        'affiliation': affiliation,
        // This is the longer order id that shows in the url on an order page
        'id': getOrderId(, isUpsell).toString(),
        // This should be the #1240 that shows in order page.
        'order_name': getOrderId(order.number, isUpsell).toString(),
        // This is total discount. Dollar value, not percentage
        // On the first order we can look at the discounts object. On upsells, we can't.
        // This needs to be a string.
        'discount_amount': getDiscountAmount(order, isUpsell, addedItems),
        // We can't determine shipping & tax. For the time being put the difference between subtotal and rev in shipping
        'shipping': (parseFloat(revenue) - parseFloat(subtotal)).toString(),
        'tax': '0',
        'revenue': revenue,
        'sub_total': subtotal,

function getDiscountAmount(shopifyOrder, isUpsell, addedItems) {
    if (shopifyOrder.discounts === null || typeof shopifyOrder.discounts === 'undefined') return '0';
    if (shopifyOrder.discounts.length === 0) return '0';
    // If this isn't an upsell we can look at the discounts object.
    if (!isUpsell) {
        // Collect all the discounts on the first order.
        return shopifyOrder.discounts.reduce(function (acc, discount) {
            return acc += parseFloat(discount.amount);
        }, 0).toFixed(2).toString();
    // If this an upsell we have to look at the line item discounts
    // The discount block provided doesn't only applies to the first order.
    } else {
        return addedItems.reduce(function (acc, addedItem) {
            return acc += parseFloat(addedItem.lineLevelTotalDiscount);
        }, 0).toFixed(2).toString();


function getOrderId(orderId, isUpsell) {
    return isUpsell ? orderId.toString() + '-US' + upsellCount.toString() : orderId;

function getAdditionalRevenue(newOrder, initialOrder) {
    return (parseFloat(newOrder.totalPrice) - parseFloat(initialOrder.totalPrice)).toFixed(2);

function getAdditionalSubtotal(newOrder, initialOrder) {
    return (parseFloat(newOrder.subtotalPrice) - parseFloat(initialOrder.subtotalPrice)).toFixed(2);

function test() {
    onCheckoutAmended(newOrder, initialOrder);

try {
    module.exports = exports = {
        onCheckoutAmended: onCheckoutAmended,
        onCheckout: onCheckout,
        resetUpsellCount: function(){upsellCount = 0;},
} catch (e) { }

<!-- End Elevar Upsell Tracking -->

Import Pre-Built Container(s)

  • First you will need to configure upsell revenue and events for Google Analytics and Facebook.
  • Download our Upsell Purchases pre-built container from your Elevar dashboard that ultimately looks like this inside of GTM
    • (See Figure 2)

Figure 2`

  • In the default setup, there is a Facebook Upsell Purchase tag to the dl_upsell_purchase event. This sends a custom conversion event so we dont inflate Facebook Purchase conversions.
  • We also attach a custom GA event to the upsell that hyphenates the original order id (for ex. order 1234-US1). This lets you create a view in GA that filters out upsells and prevents inflated conversion rates.

Sending upsell purchase events to non GA & Facebook channels:

  • If you are already using Elevar's pre-built container for other channels then you only need to account for the dl_upsell_purchase events.
    • For example, let's say you have Google Ads configured in GTM for primary purchase events, but you want to send a Google Ads conversion for upsell purchases as well.
    • You can create a new conversion in Google Ads and assign to the same upsell_purchase trigger used by Facebook.
      • (See Figure 3)

Figure 3