How To Upgrade Data Layer Customizations To Be Compatible With Custom Pixel

If you have previously applied customizations to your purchase event or the data layer to add or overwrite a field, you'll need to add these customizations to the Custom Pixel you will create as part of the Custom Pixel Upgrade.

How do I Know if I've Customized my Data Layer?

Below are some common example scenarios where a merchant has customized the existing Elevar Data Layer:

Example #1: You have directly edited the Shopify liquid in an Elevar snippet to pass your own unique product identifier in the product_id field of Elevar's dl_view_item, dl_add_to_cart, dl_begin_checkout, and dl_purchase events.

Example #2: You are pushing your own custom Data Layer event before Elevar's dl_add_to_cart event, and your custom event includes a new product_color field which (because it fired first) is available in Elevar's dl_add_to_cart event in GTM. This means that all your GTM "Add to Cart" tags include this new product_color property, which can be sent to destinations client-side.

Example #3: You are transforming our pre-built Data Layer events via the officially supported utility. You will see a window.ElevarTransformFn function defined in your Shopify Theme.

Example #4: You are using your own user identifier to re-identify shoppers coming back to your website. You will see a window.ElevarUserIdFn function defined in your Shopify Theme.

Add to the custom pixel

The customization code you've previously written for your order status scripts or a theme snippet, as documented here, should be added to you custom pixel you'll create as a part of the upgrade process. Follow the instructions for the custom pixel.

Note you have likely wrapped your script with \<script\> tags, these should be removed to added to the custom pixel as the the Shopify pixels only allow JavaScript.