Google Authentication Issues


Learn about some of the most common Google authentication issues.

Google Log in Issues

Why can't I log in or authenticate with Google?

Some browsers don't support Google's OAuth flow.

The Solution:

  • Ensure that you have turn off ad blockers and use the newest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
  • Do not use incognito mode when authenticating your google account.

Other Issues

Google Account access revoked or changed:

  • Accounts that lack the proper access may get disconnected from your Google Analytics property or Google Tag Manager container. This occurs if an admin revokes access for a specific Google Account.

The Solution:

  • You can add the user back to the property and/or container, or you can authenticate as a new user.
    • (See Figure 1)

_Figure 1_

Why Google Account doesn't have access to any Google Analytics properties or Google Tag Manager containers?

  • If the account used to authenticate with Google doesn't have access, you'll see something similar to what is shown below.

The Solution:

  • You can add the user back to the property and/or container, or you can authenticate as a new user.
    • (See Figure 2)

_Figure 2_

Google Accounts access was revoked:

  • Google can revoke application access to an account if the account has been authorized with too many applications. If access has been revoked, you'll see a warning on the dashboard and the message below.

The Solution:

  • You can authenticate with the same account.
    • (See Figure 3)

_Figure 3_