Google Ads Error Codes


Follow this guide to learn more about common Google Ads error codes that you may encounter and how to troubleshoot these issues.

Common Internal Error Codes:

-1 (Warning):

This code indicates that while the Google Ads destination did not return an error, there was something unusual about the request.

-100 (Timeout):

This error means there was an attempt to send your event to the Google Ads destination, but the destination took too long to respond. As a result, we cannot confirm whether the event was successfully received or processed.

-500 (Unexpected Error):

A -500 error signals that something went wrong, but the root cause is unclear. This could be due to a bug in the code or a network error that led to a canceled request.

Understanding Specific Google Ads Error Codes

Error Code:Error Code Name:Details:Next Steps:
3UNAUTHORIZED_CUSTOMERThe click ID or call is associated with an Ads account you don't have access to. Ensure you import conversions for accounts managed by your manager account.
200CONVERSION_PRECEDES_EVENTThe imported event has a conversion_date_time that precedes the click.The issue may occur because some events have timestamps that appear much earlier than they actually happened, sometimes by hours or even days.

Additionally, in rare cases, we might receive a ClickID after an event has occurred, and that ClickID is then sent with the event. These situations can lead to the "CONVERSION_PRECEDES_EVENT" error flagged by Google's API.
429RESOURCE_EXHAUSTEDElevar has been sending a high volume of events to your Google Ads account, triggering an error from Google. If the issue persists, you may want to disable one of the server events to reduce the data being sent, ensuring only the primary event you want to track remains active.
500INTERNALThe API is experiencing issues due to a bug. Elevar will automatically retry sending any failed requests caused by this error.