Real-Time Activity Report

Learn how to track your purchases in real-time. Know what ads are driving purchases and all of the data captured and sent to marketing destinations


The Real-Time Activity Report shows you a log of your most recent purchase events, including key information such as:

  • Order ID
  • Products Purchased
  • Revenue
  • Last Touch UTM Parameters
  • Source (e.g. Web, shopify_draft_order, POS)

How to See your Real-Time Data

Real-Time is available in for all accounts using Elevar's Fully Managed Server. No changes to the tracking are necessary.

Access Real-Time Activity Report:

  • Begin on the Elevar homepage.
  • Use the left-hand menu to locate and click on the "Real-Time Activity".
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Real-Time Activity

With Real-Time Activity, you can immediately and continuously monitor the effects that new campaigns have on your traffic.

Ways to Use the Real-Time Activity:

  • View First & Last Touch UTM Parameters all your most recent purchase events.
  • Verify that your server-side integration is working. Place a test order on your website. Look in your Real-Time Activity to see that the correct data is sent to the correct marketing destination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any data latency restrictions?

There are not!

My Real-Time Activity Log is working correctly, but I'm not seeing purchases flow from Shopify to my Channels in the top graphic?

Are you using Safari? The Real-Time Activity graphic has an incompatibility issue with Safari. Try using Chrome or Firefox instead!