How to Update Billing Information

Learn how to adjust the billing details on your Elevar account

How to Add or Change Payment Method

Access Billing Settings:

  • Begin on the homepage of your Elevar App.
  • Locate and click on the "Settings" button or gear icon located in the lower left-hand corner of the homepage.
    • Use the side menu and click on the tab labeled "Billing".
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Add Payment Method:

  • After accessing your Billing Settings, using the top menu ensure that you are under the "Billing" tab on this page.
    • Click on the "Add Payment Method" button.
    • Only admins have access to the billing section in Elevar
      • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

_Figure 2_

Add New Payment Information:

  • After clicking on the "Add Payment Method" button, a pop-up window will appear.
  • Within this new pop-up window, enter the new billing information.
  • To make this card the default payment method, check the "Set as Active Payment Method" box.
  • After entering the new billing information, be sure to click on the "Add New Payment Method" button to save your changes.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 3 screenshot

Figure 3


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