How to Set Up Microsoft Advertising (Bing) as an Elevar Server-Side Destination

Follow the step-by-step guide to learn how to launch your Microsoft Advertising (Bing) server-side integration through Elevar



Before you can enable your Microsoft Advertising (Bing) Server-Side Destination, you will need to:

Add Microsoft Advertising as a Server-Side Destination

Locate Microsoft Advertising Destination:

  • On the homepage of your Elevar Account, locate the "My Tracking" button from the left-hand menu.
  • Once, in "My Tracking" select the "Add Destination" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    • A side bar pop-up window will appear, titled "Add Destination".
    • Within this pop-up, use the search function and type "Microsoft Advertising".
    • Once the Microsoft Advertising destination appears from the search function, click on it.
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_

Get Started:

  • After locating and clicking on the Microsoft Advertising destination, you will be taken to overview screen.
  • Click the "Get Started" button in the lower left-hand corner of the Overview box.
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

Figure 2

Enter Microsoft Advertising Settings

Microsoft Advertising Settings:

  • Within the "Microsoft Advertising Settings" add in your UET ID. How do I find this?
    • By clicking on the "Advanced Options" breakdown menu, you can select the Conversion Value.
  • If you have "Markets" enabled in your Shopify Source, you will see the "Markets" section in your Microsoft Advertising destination.
    • Select either the "All Markets", "Specific market(s)", or the "No Market ID" button to specify which markets will send data to Microsoft Advertising.
    • If you have selected "All Markets" navigate to the section titled "Destination Label" and use the text box to enter a label. This is how your destination name will appear across the Elevar app (e.g., My Tracking, Reports, History) and helps to identify your destination across our app, especially when you have multiple instances of the same destination.
    • If you have selected "Specific market(s)", navigate to the section titled "Market Groups" and use the drop down menu to select the market groups to specify which market's data will be sent to this destination. Then, navigate to the box titled "Destination Label" and use the text box to enter a label. This is how your destination name will appear across the Elevar app (e.g., My Tracking, Reports, History) and helps to identify your destination across our app, especially when you have multiple instances of the same destination.
  • After you have entered all of the required information for the Microsoft Advertising Settings, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 3 screenshot

_Figure 3_

Select Events:

  • Once you have entered your Microsoft Advertising Settings, you have to select the Event settings.
    • Either click on the button labeled "Use best practices" or "Customize".
    • Under the "Breakdown" menu, you will need to add an event Action and Category to each event you enable. These values should exactly match the Action and Category values you used when creating your event-based conversion goals in Microsoft Advertising. Follow this guide to learn how to create a conversion goal in Microsoft Advertising (Bing).
  • After selecting what events you want to send, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 4)

Step 4 screenshot

_Figure 4_

Consent Mode:

  • After selecting the Events settings, you will be prompted to enable Consent Mode.
  • To enable Consent Mode, click on the "Yes, enable for this destination" button. If you do not want to enable Consent Mode, click on the "No" button.
    • If consent is required, select what categories you’d like the shopper to agree to before tracking fires. Follow this guide to learn more about Consent Mode.
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for enabling Consent Mode, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 5)

Step 5 screenshot

_Figure 5_

Filter Transactions:

  • After selecting whether or not to enable Consent Mode, you need to choose whether or not to filter transactions.
  • Currently, our recommended practices suggests clicking the button labeled, "Yes, Block some transactions", and blocking exchange & historical import orders.
    • Thinking you may need to block additional orders? Follow this guide to learn how to block orders.
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Filtered Transactions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 6)

Step 6 screenshot

Figure 6


  • If you sell subscriptions, select whether you are using the unified Shopify checkout, or using a separate checkout. You can also choose to send first-time orders only or first-time and recurring orders to your marketing destination.
  • If you do not sell subscriptions, select the button labeled "No".
    • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Subscriptions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
      • (See Figure 7)

Step 7 screenshot

_Figure 7_

Go Live:

  • After completing all of the previous Microsoft Advertising Setup Steps, an Overview page will appear.
  • If all of the details within the Configuration Summary look correct, then click on the button labeled "Go Live" at the bottom of this section.
    • A pop-up window will appear, asking for a confirmation of your changes.
    • Click on the button labeled "Yes, Go Live".
      • (See Figure 8)

Step 8 screenshot

Figure 8

Remove Previous Tracking:

  • To avoid duplicate tracking, remove your previous conversion scripts for Purchase and Add to Cart events.
    • IMPORTANT: Keep your UET Tag that fires on all pages in place. Removing this tracking will result in issues with your Bing Remarketing Tracking. While you do not need to have a UET tag firing in order for the Bing Server-side conversion tracking to work, you do need the UET tag in place for your Bing Remarketing to work. If you don't have Bing Remarketing in place, you do not need to have the Bing UET tag on your website at all.
      • (See Figure 9)

_Figure 9_

QA Tracking:

  • Review that the new Elevar Events are passing the data that you need. If all looks good update your campaigns to use the event based conversions.