How to Set Up Impact Radius in Elevar Server-Side Destination

Follow the step-by-step guide to launching your Impact Radius Server-Side Tracking



Add Impact Radius as a Server-Side Destination

Locate Impact Radius Destination:

  • On the homepage of your Elevar Account, locate the "My Tracking" button from the left-hand menu.
  • Once, in "My Tracking" select the "Add Destination" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    • A side bar pop-up window will appear, titled "Add Destination".
    • Within this pop-up, use the search function and type "Impact Radius".
    • Once the Impact Radius destination appears from the search function, click on it.
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_

Get Started:

  • After locating and clicking on the Impact Radius destination, you will be taken to overview screen.
  • Click the "Get Started" button in the lower left-hand corner of the Overview box.
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

_Figure 2_

2. Entering Impact Radius Settings

Impact Radius Settings:

Step 3 screenshot

_Figure 3_

Consent Mode:

  • After entering the Impact Radius settings, you will be prompted to enable Consent Mode.
  • To enable Consent Mode, click on the "Yes, enable for this destination" button. If you do not want to enable Consent Mode, click on the "No" button.
    • If consent is required, select what categories you’d like the shopper to agree to before tracking fires. [Learn More]
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for enabling Consent Mode, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 4)

Step 4 screenshot

Figure 4

Select Transaction Identifier:

  • After selecting details for Consent Mode, you need to choose a Transaction Identifier.
    • Click on either the "Order Number", "Order Name", or "Order ID" button. Typically, "Order Number" is the most commonly used transaction identifier for Impact Radius integrations.
  • After selecting the Transaction Identifier, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 5)

Step 5 screenshot

_Figure 5_

Select Product Identifier:

  • After selecting details for the Transaction Identifier, you need to choose a Product Identifier.
    • Click on either the "Pruduct SKU", "Product ID", or "Variant ID" button. Typically, "Product SKU" is the most commonly used transaction identifier for Impact Radius integrations.
  • After selecting the Transaction Identifier, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 6)

Step 6 screenshot

_Figure 6_

Filter Transactions:

  • After selecting details for the Product Identifier, you need to choose whether or not to filter transactions.
  • Currently, our recommended practices suggests clicking the button labeled, "Yes, Block some transactions", and blocking exchange & historical import orders.
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Filtered Transactions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 7)

Step 7 screenshot

_Figure 7_


  • If you sell subscriptions, select whether you are using the unified Shopify checkout, or using a separate checkout. Then, navigate to the section titled, "Would you like to send recurring transactions?" select the button labeled "No, block" or "Yes, send".
  • If you do not sell subscriptions, select the button labeled "No".
  • Once you have all of selected all of the information for Subscriptions, click on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of this section.
    • (See Figure 8)

Step 8 screenshot

Figure 8

Go Live:

  • After completing all of the previous Impact Radius Setup Steps, an Overview page will appear.
  • If all of the details within the Configuration Summary look correct, then click on the button labeled "Go Live" at the bottom of this section.
  • A pop-up window will appear, asking for a confirmation of your changes.
  • Click on the button labeled "Yes, Go Live".
    • (See Figure 9)

Step 9 screenshot

_Figure 9_