Getting Started with Server-Side Tracking in Elevar

Learn about getting started with server-side tracking up.


The world of server-side tracking will continue to evolve:

  • More cookie restrictions go into place.
  • Client-side tracking accuracy continues to decline leaving marketers looking for answers.
  • Compliance requirements grow.
  • Consent management integrations adapting to server-side tracking environments.
  • Marketing platforms offering new API integrations that don't exist today (think "Conversion API" for __).


If you are still exploring server-side tracking then you might want to read these guides first...

Getting Started

Accessing My Tracking:

  • Begin on your Elevar hompage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "My Tracking" tab.
  • You will be presented with a welcome screen and steps to set up your integrations.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

My Tracking Dashboard:

  • Here, you handle all of the configuration of your source (e.g. orders via Shopify webhooks) and destinations (e.g. Facebook Conversion API) directly in your My Tracking dashboard
    • (See Figure 2)

Figure 2

Destination Settings:

  • We provide all of the advanced configurations you need to ensure you have at least a 95% accuracy in your server-side destinations (plus we monitor and tell you if tracking ever drops below 95%).
    • (See Figure 3)

Figure 3