How to Locate your AppLovin API Key


Follow this guide to learn how to locate your AppLovin API Key.

What is AppLovin?

AppLovin is a mobile technology company that helps businesses connect with customers through apps. Its many platforms (e.g., MAX, AppDiscovery, SparkLabs) enable developers to publish and analyize their apps. AppLovin provides countless features for app marketing and monetization, including streamlined campaign management and real-time analytics for optimizing return on ad spend (ROAS).

How to Locate your AppLovin API Key

Access Keys Settings:

  • Begin on your AppLovin homepage and use the left-hand navigation menu to click on the "Account" tab.
  • An additional drop-down menu will appear, locate and click on the "Keys" tab.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_

Locate API Key:

  • Once you have accessed the Keys overview settings of your AppLovin account, navigate to the section of the page titled, "Axon Event Key". Here you will locate your AppLovin API Key!
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot_Figure 2_