What Facebook CAPI Events and User Parameters Are Used In Server-Side Tracking?
This document addresses the integration of Facebook's Conversion API (CAPI) within Facebook Business Manager, especially concerning city, state, and country warnings. As Facebook's iOS policies evolve, our integration might trigger these warnings. This guide provides clarity on the data sent through our integration and steps to resolve common issues.
If you encounter warnings about missing city, state, or country data in non-purchase events, please upgrade to the latest version of the Facebook Conversion API template.
The CAPI events operate concurrently with pixel events and are deduplicated using an event ID data layer variable. For information on standard events, refer to the Facebook documentation.
Default Events:
- ViewContent (Product Detail View)
- AddToCart
- InitiateCheckout
- Purchase
- Lead (Email/SMS Signup)
- Account
Also Available:
- Subscription (this enables a Purchase event for subscription purchases - like ReCharge)
- Subscribe (this enables a Subscribe event for subscription purchases - like ReCharge. See Facebook documentation on this standard event)
- Pageview
- Search
- CompleteRegistration
- AddPaymentInfo
- ViewItemCategory (aka Product List View)
The reason we don't enable all by default is to keep load down from your server side container.
User Parameter Data
Website events shared using the Conversions API require the following data parameters: client_user_agent, action_source and event_source_url which we enable by default.
We also send the following user parameter data when it's available, per Facebooks documentation
Parameter name | |
em | hashed email address |
external_id | hashed user_id from Elevar's Data Layer - typically Shopify customer ID is currently used |
ga_id | this is the GA cookie value set on all users |
ph | hashed phone number |
fn | hashed customer first name |
ln | hashed customer last name |
ct | hashed customer city - (if not available from customer we use AppEngine data) |
st | hashed customer state - (if not available from customer we use AppEngine data) |
zp | hashed customer postal code |
country | hashed customer country code - (if not available from customer we use AppEngine data) |
value | order values as defined by revenue, subtotal, or product subtotal |
contents | an array of product data ex: [{"id":"9005846987058","name":"The Collection Snowboard: Liquid","content_category":"snowboards","item_price":"749.95","quantity":"1"}] |
content_ids | product identifier selected, this could be product ID, SKU, or Variant ID |
order_id | order ID |
fbp | browser ID |
fbc | Facebook click id - only available when user has followed a FB click ID |
client_ip_address | client IP address |
client_user_agent | client user agent |
customer_type | new or returning based on order count |
In general for non-purchase events you should expect to see:
- IP
- User Agent
- fbp
- City
- State
- Country
- Smaller %'s for the remainder of values.
- Purchase events typically have a much higher match rate.
Looking for more FB CAPI resources?
Check out our CCPA / Limited Data Use integration guide here.
Updated 8 months ago