How to Disable Snapchat Pixel in Shopify

Learn the steps to disable the Snapchat pixel sharing inside the Snapchat Ads App.


Learn how to disable Snapchat Pixel in Shopify.

How to Disable Snapchat Pixel in Shopify

Access Data Sharing:

  • Begin on your Shopify homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "Sales Channels" tab and select the Snapchat app.
  • Once in the Snapchat app sales channel, use the top menu and ensure that you are under the "Settings" tab.
    • Within the TikTok settings, use the navigation menu to select the "Data sharing" tab.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Pixel ID" and locate your current Snapchat Pixel for Shopify.
    • Click on the "Disconnect" button.
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_