What Cookies does Elevar Place on Merchant Websites?


Learn about what cookies does Elevar place on merchant websites.

Non-Shopify Subdomain Source

If you see the Non-Shopify Subdomain Source marked as Completed on your My Tracking page, this means Elevar will create a single cookie on your website.

___ELEVAR_GTM_SUITE--apexDomainTracks user information like User ID & Session ID as well as attribution information like relevant marketing cookies & utm parameters.1y

How to check Non-Shopify Subdomain Source:

  • Begin on your Elevar homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "My Tracking" tab.
  • Navigate to your Sources and locate the "Non-Shopify Subdomain" source. Locate the box labeled "Completed".
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_