Server-Side Tracking 'Gotchas'

Server-Side Tracking is cutting edge. So as we all learn more about the API tracking world, here's some 'gotchas' that our team's learned

Google Analytic's Gotchas

  1. Offline Orders (i.e. Draft Orders, POS Orders) will show a Landing Page of the Order Confirmation. - Offline orders are orders that are not completed on your website. Since there is no browsing session associated with these orders, if you choose to send them to Universal Analytics, the landing page be the order confirmation page.
  2. Product Type (or Product Category) data will be missing. - Order data in Shopify doesn't have Product Category populated, so our Universal Analytics Server-Side Integration isn't able to send Product Category data. Not to worry! You can Import Product Category Data to Universal Analytics instead.
  3. Offline Orders (i.e. Draft Orders, POS Orders) won't have First User or Session Source / Medium values in GA4 - this is because there is no session associated with these orders. If you apply source/medium overrides, this will only impact the "Source/Medium" value in GA4. Not the First User or Session Source/Mediums..

Other Gotchas

  1. Our Server-Side integration doesn't work with Upscribe - This is because Upscribe overwrites our Order Notes (needed for server-side attribution) when they create orders in Shopify. However, client-side tracking works in the Upscribe checkout. Checkout our full list of integrations that work with Elevar.
  2. Server-Side Tracking doesn't work with DPA Ads - If you're running Dyanmic Product Ads in Criteo, we'd recommend using client-side tracking. DPA ads use third party cookies & view-through conversions for attribution. Server-side tracking tracks click-based conversions. So if you're using DPA ads in Criteo, use client-side tracking.
  3. Pinterest shows a deduplication warning for low volume events - In Pinterest's Deduplication report, if an event has a low volume (e.g. a "site search" event) Pinterest will show a warning about deduplication. There likely isn't a problem with deduplication - Pinterest just doesn't have a large enough sample size for that specific event. When you make your date frame larger (after running Pinterest CAPI for a bit of time), you'll notice warnings go away. When you make your date frame a single day, you may notice more warnings.