How to Use Pandectes Consent Management with Elevar's Google Consent Mode Integration
Learn how to install Pandectes on your Shopify store and integrate with Elevar's GTM Google Consent Mode
Pandectes offers a consent management platform specifically built for Shopify. This allows users to install an app in Shopify that manages the complexities of GDPR and CCPA compliance. Pandectes is a popular consent platform because of its focus on Shopify vendors, and its easy installation process. Together, Pandectes and Elevar have built seamless integration, that allows you to take advantage of the Pandectes consent management platform and combine it with Elevar's web and server side tagging solution.
Before you can begin your Pandectes specific setup, you will need to:
Update your Pandectes Settings for Elevar:
Depending on your current banner settings you may need to make adjustments, review this guide from Pandectes on what to review to ensure your setup is compatible with Elevar.
Import Pandectes Container to GTM
Locate Pandectes Container:
- Begin on the homepage of your Elevar app. Use the left-hand navigation menu and click on the tab titled "Pre-Build Tags".
- Use the search function to locate and click on the Pandectes Container.
- (See Figure 1)
_Figure 1_
Download Pandectes Container:
- Once in the Stack Adapt Container, navigate to the box titled "Download Container".
- Click on the button labeled "Download Container".
- (See Figure 2)
_Figure 2_
Import the Pre-Built Pandectes into GTM
Import Container:
- Log in to your Google Tag Manager Account.
- Select your GTM Web Container.
- Click on the "Admin" button located in the upper menu bar.
- Use the right-hand menu under the "Container" section and click on the tab labeled "Import Container".
- (See Figure 3)
- Use the right-hand menu under the "Container" section and click on the tab labeled "Import Container".
Figure 3
Import Container Information:
- Under the "Select file to import" section, click on the "Select File" button and choose the Pandectes Container that was previously downloaded.
- Under the "Choose workplace" section, either create a new workplace titled "Pandectes Tracking" or select your "Default Tracking".
- Next be sure to select the "Merge" option first, then the "Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers, and variables" option second.
- Once you have completed filling out the necessary details for this container, click on the "Confirm" button located at the bottom of the page.
- (See Figure 4)
_Figure 4_
Locate GDPR Compliance Center by Pandectes Tag:
- Once you have imported the Pandectes container into your Google Tag Manager workspace, use the left-hand navigation menu to click on the "Tags" tab.
- Use the search function to locate and click on the "GDPR Conpliance Center by Pandectes" tag.
- (See Figure 5)
_Figure 5_
Assign Default Consent Status:
- Once in the required tag, you can choose to allow certain cookies to fire before the shopper grants or denies consent.
- Navigate to the section titled "Tag Configuration" and select your desired default consent status before the user visitor provides a consent status. Follow this guide to learn what these consent types mean.
- (See Figure 6)
_Figure 6_
Typically, the default statuses will vary by your region and legal requirements if you have opt-in or opt-out requirements. Elevar does not offer legal advice regarding GDPR or any consent compliance. Please consult your legal team if unsure.
Publish Your Changes in GTM
- Navigate to the Google Tag Manager homepage and click on the "Submit" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- An additional confirmation page will appear, click on the "Publish" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- (See Figure 7)
Figure 7
Next Up: Assign Requirements for Client-Side and Server-Side Tracking
You've enabled consent and added the Pandectes GTM containers. Now you need to make your client side tags and server-side tracking consent aware. Follow these guides to complete the setup.
- Customize Server-Side Destinations for Consent Mode
- Assign Consent Requirements for your Client-Side tags
Bonus: Blocking Scripts Loaded Directly In Shopify (Not In Google Tag Manager)
You may have certain scripts on your site that load directly from your Shopify theme. For example, you may have Klaviyo app installed in Shopify.
If this is the case you'll need to block this separately. Anything that does not load from GTM will need explicit blocking through Pandectes. To accomplish this, you will need to write a regex for the urls these tags send information too, or contact Pandectes directly to have them do this for you.
Updated 18 days ago