How to Implement Shopify Markets on an Existing Shopify Source
The Shopify Market's feature allows you to use different pixels per Shopify Market with your tracking setup. To use this feature, you will need to have different GTM containers per market group you define during your setup. Web and server-side events will then be routed to the appropriate pixels by Shopify Market once you have updated your destinations after enabling.
To enable this feature, the following items need to be true:
- On a Growth, Business, or Enterprise plan. [Explore Plans]
- Your Shopify Source is up to date using the Custom Pixel for your checkout tracking. [Upgrade Guide]
- Requires the use of Shopify Checkout extensibility. If you have not upgraded, Shopify will automatically upgrade your store on August 13th, 2024.
How to Implement Shopify Markets on an Existing Shopify Source
Headless Shopify Stores require additional steps!
For the headless portion of your store you'll need to load different GTM containers per Shopify Market and pass valid market ids [How do I pass market ID?] in addition to these configurations.
Access Shopify Source:
- Begin on your Elevar homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "My Tracking" tab.
- Navigate to the section of the page titled "Sources". Locate and click on the Shopify source.
- (See Figure 1)
Figure 1
Allow Different Pixels per Shopify Market:
- Once in the Shopify source, navigate to the box titled "Setup Steps" and click on the tab labeled "GTM & Events".
- Locate and click on the box next to the text that reads "Allow different pixels per Shopify Market" to enable Shopify Markets.
- An additional pop-up window will appear titled "Approve Permissions" where you have the option to approve or deny the permissions needed. Follow this guide for an in depth-guide on how to approve permissions in Shopify for Shopify Markets.
- (See Figure 2)
Figure 2
Add Market Groups:
- To add a market group, click on the button labeled "+ Add Another".
- Begin navigating to the box titled "GTM Container ID" and use the text box enter the Container ID for the desired market you are adding. Follow this guide to learn how to locate your Google Tag Manager Container ID. You can add up to five Google Tag Manager Containers.
- Once you have entered the Google Tag Manager Container ID, navigate to the box titled "Market Group" and use the drop-down menu to select the desired Market(s) to include in the each Market Group.
- (See Figure 3)
Figure 3
Save Changes:
- After selecting all of the required information for adding Shopify Markets to your Shopify source, click on "Save" button located at the bottom of the page.
- (See Figure 4)
Figure 4
Updated Markets Heads Up
If you have previously implemented Shopify Markets and are now adding a new Market Group, you will encounter the following warning before saving your changes:
"You have changed the markets associated with an existing Market Group. This means that destinations using the modified Market Group(s) will start/stop receiving data from the markets you added or removed. Would you like to save your changes? Note: You may also want to rename the impacted destinations to reflect these market changes."
Please review the changes carefully to ensure that all destinations are correctly updated and that any necessary adjustments to destination names are made.
(Optional) Review Consent Mode Settings:
- If you have Consent Mode enabled, and selected to start allowing different pixels per Shopify Market within the Google Tag Manager and Events settings, you should review your consent fallbacks in the Consent Mode step. If you have previously set consent fallbacks, those selections have been applied to all new market groups to ensure your tracking does not change unexpectedly. You may have different preferences for different regions and you can make adjustments in the Consent Mode step.
- Once in the Shopify source, navigate to the box titled "Setup Steps" and click on the tab labeled "Consent Mode".
- Then, navigate to the section of the page titled "What categories would you like to grant if no consent is provided?" and select what consent categories your server-side events will view as granted by the shopper per market.
- Once you have selected all of the information for enabling and updating Consent Mode, click on the "Save and Continue" button located at the bottom of this section.
- (See Figure 5)
Figure 5
Legal requirements will vary by regions and if you have opt-in or opt-out requirements. Elevar does not offer legal advice regarding GDPR or any consent compliance. Please consult your legal team if unsure if you should make fallback selections.
Updated about 2 months ago