How To Set Up Elevar Tracking with Flow Checkout
Flow is an international checkout that is typically embedded directly into your Shopify store. Follow this guide for the steps to implement the Elevar data layer into Flow's checkout.
Create Data Layer in Flow
Add Snippet:
- Begin on your Shopify homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "Online stores" tab. Next, click on the "Theme" tab.
- Once in your current theme, click on the three dots. An additional drop-down menu will appear, click on the "Edit Code" tab.
- Create a snippet in your Shopify theme called "flow-checkout-tracking.liquid".
- Copy and paste the contents of the data layer javascript below into the snippet.
- By default we send price data in the default currency (likely USD). If you'd like to change this, set the USE_BASE_CURRENCY variable at the top of the file to false, and you'll get price data in the currency the checkout occurs in. If you are using the Blaze version of the checkout you need to keep this set to true, Blaze (as of Oct 6, 2021) does not pass foreign currency data in the intermediate checkout steps.
// Defaults to using the base currency of the store
// If you'd like reporting in foreign currency flip this
// variable to false but be careful, as it stands blaze checkout
// steps only come in the stores base currency.
// For legacy intermediate checkout events
// Wait for script to load before attaching listeners. 2 parts. Flow does not fire load event for .checkout
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (typeof window.flow.checkout !== 'undefined') {
}, 250)
// For blaze intermediate checkout events
// fetch calls are neccessary because blaze does not provide us
// with the variant ID or SKU. If they start passing these these fetch calls can be deleted.
Flow.set('on', 'loaded', function () {
Flow.on('blaze.checkoutProgress', function (data) {
switch (data.step) {
case 'customer_info':
console.log('customer info');
.then(function (response) { return response.json() })
.then(function (shopifyCartData) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data, shopifyCartData)
pushDLBeginCheckout(data, productsInCart, true);
.catch(function (error) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data)
pushDLBeginCheckout(data, productsInCart, true);
case 'delivery':
.then(function (response) { return response.json() })
.then(function (shopifyCartData) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data, shopifyCartData)
pushDLAddShippingInfo(data, productsInCart, true);
.catch(function (error) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data);
pushDLAddShippingInfo(data, productsInCart, true);
case 'payment':
.then(function (response) { return response.json() })
.then(function (shopifyCartData) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data, shopifyCartData)
pushDLAddPaymentInfo(data, productsInCart, true);
.catch(function (error) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data);
pushDLAddPaymentInfo(data, productsInCart, true);
console.error('None of the expected checkout steps were provided by Blaze.')
// Although the docs state this event fires on purchase it doesn't.
// The same purchase event can be used on both legacy and Blaze versions of the checkout.
// Flow.on('blaze.checkoutComplete', function(data){
// console.log('Checkout complete')
// })
function errorLogger(error) {
console.error('An error occured retrieving the cart contents in Elevar Flow Checkout script.');
console.error('Using variant ID for product ID and Sku as fall back');
// Legacy Flow events (still in use as of Oct 2021)
function setListeners() {
// Fires on contact info page load (checkout step 1)
flow.checkout.onPageView(flow.checkout.enums.pageView.CONTACT_INFO, function handlePageView(data) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartLegacyCheckout(data);
pushDLBeginCheckout(data, productsInCart, false);
// Fires on shipping method page load (checkout step 2)
flow.checkout.onPageView(flow.checkout.enums.pageView.SHIPPING_METHOD, function handlePageView(data) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartLegacyCheckout(data);
pushDLAddShippingInfo(data, productsInCart, false);
// Fires on payment info page load (checkout step 3)
flow.checkout.onPageView(flow.checkout.enums.pageView.PAYMENT_INFO, function handlePageView(data) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartLegacyCheckout(data);
pushDLAddPaymentInfo(data, productsInCart, false);
// Fires once on transaction complete (checkout step 4)
// This event is used for both Blaze and legacy
flow.checkout.onTransaction(function (data) {
var productsInCart = getProductsInCartLegacyCheckout(data);
pushDLPurchase(data, productsInCart, false);
function pushDLBeginCheckout(data, productsInCart, blazeCheckout) {
'event': 'dl_begin_checkout',
'event_id': generateEventID(),
'ecommerce': {
'checkout': {
'actionField': { step: "1", action: 'checkout' },
'products': productsInCart
'currencyCode': blazeCheckout ? getBlazeCurrency(data) : getCurrency(data),
function pushDLAddShippingInfo(data, productsInCart, blazeCheckout) {
'event': 'dl_add_shipping_info',
'event_id': generateEventID(),
'ecommerce': {
'checkout': {
'actionField': { step: "2", action: 'checkout' },
'products': productsInCart
'currencyCode': blazeCheckout ? getBlazeCurrency(data) : getCurrency(data),
function pushDLAddPaymentInfo(data, productsInCart, blazeCheckout) {
'event': 'dl_add_payment_info',
'event_id': generateEventID(),
'ecommerce': {
'checkout': {
'actionField': { step: "3", action: 'checkout' },
'products': productsInCart
'currencyCode': blazeCheckout ? getBlazeCurrency(data) : getCurrency(data),
function pushDLPurchase(data, productsInCart, blazeCheckout) {
'event': 'dl_purchase',
'event_id': generateEventID(),
'user_properties': getUserProperties(data),
'ecommerce': {
'purchase': {
'actionField': {
'action': "purchase",
'affiliation': data.organization,
'id': data.order['number'],
// This is the order number that shows up in Shopify on the orders list page,
'order_name': data.order['number'],
'discount_amount': -getValue('discount', data),
'revenue': USE_BASE_CURRENCY ? data.order.total.base.amount : data.order.total.amount,
'shipping': getValue('shipping', data),
'sub_total': getSubtotal(data),
'tax': getValue('vat', data) + getValue('duty', data),
'products': productsInCart
'currencyCode': blazeCheckout ? getBlazeCurrency(data) : getCurrency(data),
// The shape of the blaze data object differs from the legacy object
function getProductsInCartBlazeCheckout(data, shopifyCartData) {
var items = [];
data.lines.forEach((orderItem) => {
if (orderItem) {
// This is section is functional and semi tested in the browser
variant_id = orderItem.number;
'brand': orderItem.brand,
'category': orderItem.category,
'variant_id': orderItem.number,
// If we don't have cart data use the variant id as a filler for product id and sku
'product_id': shopifyCartData ? getProductId(variant_id, shopifyCartData) : orderItem.number,
'id': shopifyCartData ? getProductSKU(variant_id, shopifyCartData) : orderItem.number,
// All we have is the order item name no variant info
// These aren't al formatted the same so tough to seperate out variant from product name
'variant': orderItem.name,
// Image is not available
// 'image': contentItem.images[0]['url'],
// Should be something like "/shoes/running" We don't have a proper collection name in this object
'name': orderItem.name,
// Only Foreign currency is available
'price': orderItem.price,
// Not available
// 'product_id': contentItem.attributes['product_id'],
'quantity': orderItem.quantity,
return items;
// The shape of the legacy data object differs from the blaze object
function getProductsInCartLegacyCheckout(data) {
var items = [];
data.order.items.forEach((orderItem) => {
var contentItem = data.content.getItem(orderItem.number);
if (contentItem) {
// This is section is functional and semi tested in the browser
'brand': contentItem.attributes['vendor'],
// This is messy. Last item in array seems to be the top level category.
'category': contentItem.categories[contentItem.categories.length - 1],
'id': contentItem.attributes['sku'],
'image': contentItem.images[0]['url'],
// Should be something like "/shoes/running" We don't have a proper collection name in this object
'name': contentItem.name,
'price': USE_BASE_CURRENCY ? contentItem.price.amount : contentItem.local.prices[0].amount,
'product_id': contentItem.attributes['product_id'],
'quantity': orderItem.quantity,
'variant': contentItem.attributes['variant_title'],
'variant_id': contentItem['number'],
return items;
// Returns a user properties object
function getUserProperties(data) {
return {
// 'customer_id': not available
'customer_email': data.order.customer.email,
'customer_first_name': data.order.customer.name.first,
'customer_phone': data.order.customer.phone,
'customer_last_name': data.order.customer.name.last,
'customer_city': data.order.destination.city,
'customer_zip': data.order.destination.postal,
'customer_address_1': data.order.destination.streets[0],
'customer_address_2': data.order.destination.streets[1],
'customer_country': data.order.destination.country,
'customer_province': data.order.destination.province,
function getBlazeCurrency(data) {
return data.lines[0].currency;
// Sufficient according to Thomas
function generateEventID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)
function getCurrency(data) {
return USE_BASE_CURRENCY ? data.order.total.base.currency : data.order.total.currency;
function getSubtotal(data) {
// total excludes tax/discounts/shipping. Full price of products.
return getValue('subtotal', data) + getValue('discount', data);
function getProductId(variantId, shopifyCartData) {
var shopifyCartItem = shopifyCartData.items.find(function (item) { return item.variant_id === parseInt(variantId); })
return shopifyCartItem.product_id ? shopifyCartItem.product_id.toString() : variantId;
function getProductSKU(variantId, shopifyCartData) {
var shopifyCartItem = shopifyCartData.items.find(function (item) { return item.variant_id === parseInt(variantId); })
return shopifyCartItem.sku ? shopifyCartItem.sku : variantId;
function getValue(valueKey, data) {
var obj = data.order.prices.find(function (item) { return item.key === valueKey });
var value;
if (obj) {
value = USE_BASE_CURRENCY ? obj.base.amount : obj.amount;
} else {
value = 0;
return value;
//# sourceURL=flow-checkout-tracking.js
// Shows under sources, no domain, flow-checkout-tracking.js
Update theme.liquid template
- Open 'theme.liquid' and paste the code just above the closing body tag.
That's it!
How To QA
- Get the Flow Checkout running, usually by selecting a flag that isn't US, and check to see you get dl_begin_purchase, dl_add_shipping_info, and dl_add_payment_info.
- If you do, it's been installed correctly.
- Run a test purchase and make sure you get the dl_purchase event.
Updated 8 months ago