How to Set Up Cookiebot Consent Mode with Elevar's Google Consent Mode Integration

You are ready to enable consent mode within Elevar and are using Cookiebot as your consent provider


Elevar's Consent Mode in compatible Cookiebot! This setup allows you to add your Consent Banner onto your website + provides a building block for your server-side tracking to listen for a shopper's consent. After importing them, you'll be able to customize your consent rules per marketing destination


Before you can begin your Cookiebot specific setup, you will need to:

Download the Pre-Built Cookiebot Tags

Locate Cookiebot Container:

  • Begin on the homepage of your Elevar app. Use the left-hand navigation menu and click on the tab titled "Pre-Build Tags".
  • Use the search function to locate and click on the Cookiebot Pixel Container.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

_Figure 1_

Download Cookiebot Container:

  • Once in the Cookiebot Container, navigate to the box titled "Download Container".
  • Add in your Cookiebot Domain Group ID [How to find this?]
  • Click on the button labeled "Download Container".
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 1 screenshot_Figure 2_

Import the Pre-Built Cookiebot Tags into GTM

Import Container:

  • Log in to your Google Tag Manager Account.
  • Select your GTM Web Container.
  • Click on the "Admin" button located in the upper menu bar.
    • Use the right-hand menu under the "Container" section and click on the tab labeled "Import Container".
      • (See Figure 3)

Step 2 screenshot

_Figure 3_

Import Container Information:

  • Under the "Select file to import" section, click on the "Select File" button and choose the Cookiebot Container that was previously downloaded.
  • Under the "Choose workplace" section, create a new workplace titled "Cookiebot Tracking".
  • Next be sure to select the "Merge" option first, then the "Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers, and variables" option second.
  • Once you have completed filling out the necessary details for this container, click on the "Confirm" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 4)

Step 3 screenshot

_Figure 4_

Assign Default Consent Status

Pre-Built Consent Tags Consent:

  • In your Pre-Built Consent Tags, there is a section where you can choose to allow certain cookies to fire before the shopper grants or denies consent.
  • Please select your desired default consent status before the user visitor provides a consent status. [What do these consent types mean?]
    • (See Figure 5)

Step 5 screenshot

_Figure 5_


Typically, the default statuses will vary by your region and legal requirements if you have opt-in or opt-out requirements. Elevar does not offer legal advice regarding GDPR or any consent compliance. Please consult your legal team if unsure.

Publish the Pre-Built Tags

  • After importing the Cookiebot tag container, you will be brought back to the Google Tag Manager homepage.
  • In your Cookiebot Tracking workspace, click on the "Submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    • An additional confirmation page will appear. Be sure to click on the "Publish" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    • (See Figure 6)

Step 4 screenshot

_Figure 6_

Next Up: Assign Requirements for Client-Side and Server-Side Tracking

You have enabled consent and added Cookiebot pre-built tag. Now you need to make your client side tags and server-side tracking consent aware. Follow these guides to complete the setup.