How to Locate Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID

Learn how to locate your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID


This is a step by step guide for locating your Google Analytics property ID or also known as Measurement ID. Having access and being able to locate your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID is often a principal step in importing tags into Google Tag Manager, along with many other implementation features.


  1. Click on Admin Settings
  2. Locating Data Streams in Admin Settings
  3. Click on Website Data Stream
  4. Locate Measurement ID

How to Locate Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID

Click on Admin Settings:

  • Begin on your Google Analytics 4 homepage.
  • Locate and click on the "Admin" or gear icon in the lower left-hand corner of the homepage.
    • (See Figure 1)
Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Locating Data Streams in Admin Settings:

  • Once in your admin settings, navigate to the left-hand menu. From this menu, find the section titled, "Property Settings". Then, click on "Data Collection and Modification".
  • Once you have clicked on "Data Collection and Modification" a further drop-down menu will appear. From here, click on the tab labled, "Data Streams".
    • (See figure 2)
Step 3 screenshot

Figure 2

Click on Website Data Stream:

  • From the Data Streams page, you will see the current data stream for your website.
  • Click on the arrow located on the right-hand side of the tab box for your current website data steam.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 4 screenshot

Figure 3

Locate Measurement ID:

  • Once you have clicked into the specific details of your web stream details, a pop-up page will appear.
    • Within this pop-up page, find the box titled, "Stream details".
    • From the "Stream details" box, locate the subheading titled, "Measurement ID".
    • The number provided under the title, "Measurement ID" is your Google Analytics 4 Property ID.
      • (See Figure 4)

Step 6 screenshot

Figure 4