Help! Shopify Is Still Loading My Facebook Pixel Even Though I've Removed It From The Native App

Steps to troubleshoot when your Facebook Pixel is still cached in Shopify's Trekkie Load.

Scenario Overview

You've launched your Facebook tracking via Google Tag Manager (GTM) & removed your Pixel from the native Facebook App. But now you're seeing duplicate events firing in your Facebook Pixel Helper. Yikes!

  • If you view your page source and search for "Facebook Pixel", do you see your Pixel ID showing up like the below?
  • This means that Shopify still has your Facebook Pixel cached in its Trekkie Load and is still firing Facebook events even though you've disabled it.
    • (See Figure 1)

Figure 1

Troubleshooting Steps

Below are some troubleshooting options if this is happening in your store:

Option A: Enable the Facebook Pixel Tracking in App and then Disable it again.

The good-old "turn it off/on again" option!

To try this option:

  1. In your Facebook Sales Channel App, navigate to Settings.
  2. Once in the settings locate and click on the "Data Sharing" settings.
    • Toggle the switch next to Enable Tracking.
  3. Select "Connect" button that is located next to your Facebook Pixel.
  4. Now, to disable the tracking, start by selecting the "Disconnect" button next to your Facebook Pixel.
    • Toggle the switch next to Enable Tracking so that it's off.

View your website in an incognito window & see if you can find your Facebook Pixel in your source code.

If you can't, then you've successfully uncached your Facebook Pixel from Shopify! If you can, continue down to Option B.

  • (See Figure 2)

Figure 2

Option B: Remove the Facebook Shopping Channel, Re-install it, and then Disable the Facebook Pixel in App

  1. In your Shopify Admin, navigate to Settings.
  2. Once in the settings locate and click on the "Sales Channels" button.
  3. Select the "Remove" button next to Facebook.
  4. Next, to re-install the Facebook Sales Channel, select "Add Sales Channel".
  5. Find Facebook & press the green plus button to install the Facebook Sales Channel.
  6. Walk through the steps to re-setup the Facebook Sales Channel including connecting your Facebook Pixel.
  7. Finally, to disable the Facebook Pixel in the Facebook Sales Channel, navigate to Settings and then the "Data Sharing" Settings.
  8. Select the "Disconnect" button next to your Facebook Pixel.
  9. Toggle the switch next to Enable Tracking so that it's off

View your website in an incognito window again & see if you can find your Facebook Pixel in your source code.

If you can't, then you've successfully uncached your Facebook Pixel from Shopify!

If you can, continue down to Option C.

  • (See Figure 3)

Figure 3

Option C: Pause your GTM Facebook Tags & Contact Shopify Support.

  1. In Google Tag Manager Account, navigate to Tags.
  2. Search for Facebook > Select all your Pre-Built Facebook tags > Select the pause icon.
  3. Publish these changes by selecting Submit > then Publish in GTM.
  4. Contact Shopify's Support Team about your Facebook tracking still loading from the Shopify Trekkie.