How to Blend Intelligems Data with Google Analytics 4


Elevar helps you send Intelligems testing data to Google Analytics 4 via Google Tag Manager. Setting up Intelligems takes just a few minutes, without a single line of code.

Intelligems helps brands maximize their margins by A/B testing their pricing on Shopify.

Downloading and importing Intelligems Container

Access Intelligems Container:

Import Intelligems Container:


Ensure your Intelligems tracking is passing the “dl_intelligems_script_loaded” datalayer event.

If you are unsure how to check that your Intelligems tracking is passing the “dl_intelligems_script_loaded” datalayer event, you can ask the Intelligems' Support Team for assistance.

Data Mapping For GA4 Integration with Google Tag Manager

After importing Intelligems into your Google Tag Manager, it is important to make any updates and workspace changes for the tag to ensure that it runs perfectly. To identify any changes that need to be made, navigate to the "Workspace Changes" section of your homepage.

Any tags that need to be updated will begin with the phrase, "Update After Import". Once the necessary information has been updated for each tag, you will remove this phrase from the tag title. By deleting this phrase once the process is complete, it allows all future employees that work at your company to know that nothing else needs to be updated on this tag.

Create GA4 Custom Dimensions and Update Tag Data Mapping

Locate Custom Definitions:

  • To update your custom definition and event parameters, first access the custom definitions option on your Google Analytics 4 page.
    • This is found by clicking on the "Admin" or gear icon in the lower left-hand corner of the Google Analytics 4 homepage.
    • Once in the Admin settings, locate the "Custom Definitions" button. This is found under the Data Display section of the settings.
      • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Creating Event Parameters:

  • Once on the "Custom Definitions" page in Google Analytics 4, click on the button titled "Create custom dimension".
    • In the "Dimension Name" box, title this dimension something that is identifiable. For example, "Intelligems Test Group Name 1".
    • Under the Scope section, use the drop-down menu to select "Event".
    • Copy and paste in the exact Event Parameter from Google Tag Manager into the Event Parameter box of Google Analytics 4.
      • (See Figure 2)
    • Repeat this process in Google Analytics 4 for each of the Event Parameters.


Number of Event Parameters

You can create as many “intelligems_test_group_number” and “intelligems_experiement_name_number” events for however many split tests you have!

Step 2 screenshot

Figure 2

Finalizing GA4 - Event - Intelligems Test:

  • After you have finished created all of the new dimensions within Google Analytics 4 with the coordinating Event Parameters in Google Tag Manager, edit the name of the tag by removing the "*Update After Import*".
  • Save the changes made by clicking on the blue button Save button in the upper right-hand corner.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 3

Updating GA4 Property ID for Intelligems Import

Locate Web Data Streams:

  • To accurately import Intelligems, you will need your Google Analytics 4 Property ID.
    • Once in your Google Analytics 4 data streams, find and copy your measurement ID.
    • For a step by step guide on How to Locate Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID, click here.

Finalizing GA4 Property ID for Intelligems Import:

  • After locating your property ID, go to your Google Tag Manager. Next, locate and click on the tag named, "*Update After Import* GA Property ID for Intelligems Import".

    • Under the "Value" section of this feature, input the Tracking ID from your Google Analytics 4 page.
    • Additionally, edit the name of the tag by removing the "*Update After Import*".
  • Save the changes made by clicking on the blue button Save button in the upper right-hand corner.

    • (See Figure 4)

    Step 1 screenshot

Figure 4

Publish Google Tag Manager Tags

Submit Changes:

  • Once you have completed all of your workspace changes, be sure to click on the blue box titled, "Submit" in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage in Google Tag Manager.
    • (See Figure 10)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 10

Publish Workplace Changes:

  • After submitting changes to your workspace, a pop-up window will appear.
  • Finally, click on the "Publish" button in the upper right-hand corner of the final pop-up window to publish all of your changes and make this version live on your page.
    • (See Figure 11)

Step 2 screenshot_Figure 11_