Elevar Pixel Via the Customer Event Section
When transitioning to the new tracking system facilitated by Elevar, setting up an Elevar Pixel via the Customer Event section of your checkout page is a crucial step. However, it's important to recognize that this transition isn't solely about implementing Elevar's pixel. You must also address all the scripts currently residing within the "Additional Scripts" box under the "Order status page" section.
Once the Thank You and Order Status pages migrate to Checkout Extensibility, the "Additional Scripts" box will vanish, taking all its contained scripts along with it, including Elevar. While Elevar's script can be transferred to the new system, the same isn't automatically true for all other scripts. Therefore, you need to ensure that they have a strategy in place to handle the migration of all scripts effectively, not just Elevar's, to maintain the functionality and integrity of their tracking and analytics processes during the transition.
How to Provide Elevar Access to Customer Events (Custom Pixel):
For a step by step guide on how to grant permissions to 'View Customer Events" and "Manage and Add Custom Pixels", click here.
- Begin by acessing your Shopify store settings. Click on the "Settings" button, or the gear icon located in the lower left-hand section of the Shopify's homepage.
- Using the navigation menu, click on the tab labeled "Users and Permissions".
- Locate the box titled "Collaborators" and select Elevar from the list.
- Expand the Store Settings and manually check the checkboxes for "View Customer events" and "Manage and add custom pixels".
- Once completed, ensure that you save your changed by clicking on the "Save" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Updated 9 months ago