Create and Configure the Usercentrics Tag in Google Tag Manager


Follow this guide to learn how to create and configure the Usercentrics Tag in Google Tag Manager


Before you can begin your Usercentrics specific setup, you will need to:

  • Enable Consent Mode in your Shopify Store. Follow this guide to learn how to do this.
  • Ensure that you have a Google Tag Manager set up with a web container and the Google Tag Manager snippet added to your website. Follow this guide to learn how to do this.
  • Ensure that you have created a tag using the Usercentrics CMP template in Google Tag Manager. Follow this guide to learn how to do this.

How to Create and Configure the New Usercentrics Tag

Create New Tag:

  • Begin on your GTM homepage and use the left-hand navigation menu to click on the "Tags" tab.
  • Once in the Tags settings, navigate to the section of the page titled "Tags".
  • Locate and click on the "New" button located in the upper right-hand corner of this section.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Access Tag Configuration:

  • Once you have clicked on the "New" button, you will be brought to an additional window.
  • Locate and click on the "Tag Configuration" button.
    • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

Figure 2

Select Usercentrics Tag:

  • Once you have accessed the Tag Configuration settings, an additional window will appear titled "Choose tag type".
  • Locate and click on the "Usercentrics CMP" tab from the list of standard tag types.
    • (See Figure 3)

Step 3 screenshot_Figure 3_

Edit Tag Configuration:

  • Once you have selected the Usercentrics CMP tag, you will need to edit the tag configuration.
    • Navigate to the section titled "Settings Id" and use the text box to enter your Usercentrics setting ID.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Default Language" and use the text box to enter your default language. You can leave as default or set your desired language (e.g., 'de' for German).
      • If you want to enable TCF 2.0, navigate to the section of the page titled "Enable Transparency & Consent Framework 2.0 (TCF)" and ensure that the check box is selected.
      • If you want to enable AMP, navigate to the section of the page titled "Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages Framework (AMP)" and ensure that the check box is selected.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Consent Mode Settings" and locate the text box titled "Wait for update". Use the text box to enter the number of milliseconds to wait before furing tags that require consent. To learn more about this setting, follow this guide.
      • (See Figure 4)

Step 4 screenshot

_Figure 4_

Defining the Default Consent State:

  • Once you have configured the tag, you will need to configure the Consent State.
  • Defining the Default Consent State:
    • To set default measurement capabilities, specify default values for commands that run on every page before any commands sending measurement data (like config or event). For additional guidance, see Adjust Tag Behavior.
    • A default consent state of 'denied' will apply until users submit consent. You can modify this behavior and set different default consent states based on geographical regions by clicking Add region under the Default Consent State section.
      • (See Figure 5)

Step 4 screenshot

_Figure 5_

Example Default Consent State:

  • In example the configuration...
    • A global (blank region value) default consent state of 'denied' is defined for all users.
    • A specific 'granted' state can be applied for users from the United States (US).
    • ⚠️ Note: Use ISO 3166-2 country codes for region values. For instance, you can use state-specific regions like "US-CA" for California. If a specific default consent state applies to multiple regions, you can enter a comma-separated string of regions in the Region field.
      • (See Figure 6)

_Figure 6_


Note: Consent State:

Use ISO 3166-2 country codes for region values. For instance, you can use state-specific regions like "US-CA" for California.

If a specific default consent state applies to multiple regions, you can enter a comma-separated string of regions in the Region field.

Access Configure Trigger:

  • Once you have entered all of the required information for configuring the tag, you will need to select the trigger.
  • Locate and click on the "Triggering" button.
    • (See Figure 7)

Step 5 screenshot_Figure 7 _

Select Trigger:

  • Once you have accessed the Trigger Configuration settings, an additional window will appear titled "Choose a trigger".
    • Locate and click on the "Consent Initialization - All Pages" tab.
      • (See Figure 8)

Step 6 screenshot_Figure 8 _

Save Tag:

  • Once you have configured the tag and the trigger, you will need to save the changes.
    • Navigate to the upper left-hand corner of the window and use the text box to enter a recognizable for the new Usercentrics tag (e.g., Usercentrics CMP).
    • Navigate to the upper right-hand corner of the window and click on the "Save" button.
      • (See Figure 9)

Step 7 screenshot_Figure 9 _