How to Set Up OneTrust Consent Mode with Elevar's Google Consent Mode Integration
Your are ready to enable consent mode within Elevar and are using OneTrust as your consent provider
Follow this guide to learn how to set up the OneTrust Banner Using the Tag Template in Google Tag Manager. This setup allows you to add your Consent Banner onto your website and provides a building block for your server-side tracking to listen for a shopper's consent.
Warning: Do not use OneTrust's auto-blocking with Elevar's Consent Mode. If you enable auto-blocking, Google Tag Manager will be blocked from loading unless a shopper has accepted all cookies. Therefore any logic you setup with Elevar's Consent Mode will not work if the shopper accepts some cookies or no cookies.
Before you can begin your OneTrust specific setup, you will need to:
How to Implement the OneTrust Banner Using the Tag Template
Locate OneTrust Template:
- Begin on your Google Tag Manager homepage and use the left-hand navigation menu to click on the "Templates" tab.
- Once you have accessed the Templates page, locate and click on the "Search Gallery" button.
- (See Figure 1)
_Figure 1_
Add OneTrust to Workspace:
- An additional window will appear titled "Import Tag Template".
- Click on the Search function located in the upper right-hand corner of the window and locate the "OneTrust CMP" template.
- Once you have located the OneTrust template, click on the "Add to workspace" button located in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
- (See Figure 2)
_Figure 2_
Confirm Template:
- An additional confirmation pop-up window will appear titled "Are you sure you want to add a community template".
- After reading the information regarding adding a community template, click on the "Add" button located in the lower right-hand corner of the widow.
- (See Figure 3)
- After reading the information regarding adding a community template, click on the "Add" button located in the lower right-hand corner of the widow.
_Figure 3_
Create OneTrust Tag in Google Tag Manager
Add New Tag:
- Begin on your Google Tag Manager homepage and use the left-hand navigation menu to click on the "Tags" tab.
- Once you have accessed the Tags page, locate and click on the "New" button.
- (See Figure 4)
_Figure 4_
Select Tag Type:
- An additional window will appear, locate and click on the "Tag Configuration" box.
- An additional window will appear titled "Choose tag type".
- Navigate to the section of the window titled "Custom". Locate and click on the "OneTrust CMP" tag type.
- (See Figure 5)
_Figure 5_
Configure Tag:
- Once you have selected the OneTrust tag type, you will need to configure the tag.
- Locate the section of the window titled "Data Domain Script" and use the text-box to enter your Data Domain Script. Read this guide to learn how to locate your Data Domain Script.
- Locate the section of window titled "src URL" and use the text-box to enter your src URL. Read this guide to learn how to locate your src URL.
- Navigate to the section of the page titled "Do you want to use Google Consent Mode?" and select the "Yes" button.
- After selecting the "Yes" button, navigate to the section of the window titled "Google Consent Mode Configuration" and click on the "Add GCM Category" button. You will need to configure the Google Consent Mode categories and their default states. Each category must reflect one OneTrust category id.
- Make sure that the Global Default Consent configured in the tag template matches the configuration within the OneTrust panel. If there are different geolocation rules, add them accordingly to the tag by clicking on the "Add region-specific default" button and filling in the required information.
- (See Figure 6)
_Figure 6_
Configure Trigger:
- Once you have configured the OneTrust Tag, you will need to configure the triggering. Locate and click on the "Triggering" box.
- An additional window will appear titled "Choose a trigger". Use the search function located in the upper right-hand corner of the window to locate and click on the the "Consent Initialization - All Pages" tab.
- (See Figure 7)
_Figure 7_
Save Tag:
- Once you have entered the required information for configuring the tag and trigger, you will need to name the tag and save the changes.
- Navigate to the upper left-hand corner of the page and use the text box to title the tag (e.g., OneTrust Tag).
- Navigate to the upper right-hand corner of the page and click on the "Save" button.
- (See Figure 8)
_Figure 8_
Save Workspace Changes:
- Once you have added the OneTrust template and tag, be sure to save your changes in Google Tag Manager.
- Navigate to the upper right-hand corner of your Google Tag Manager homepage and click on the "Submit" button.
- An additional confirmation page will appear. Be sure to click on the "Publish" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- (See Figure 9)
_Figure 9_
Next Up: Assign Requirements for Client-Side and Server-Side Tracking
You've enabled consent and added OneTrust's scripts. Now you need to make your client side tags and server-side tracking consent aware. Follow these guides to complete the setup.
Updated 17 days ago