How to View Consent Values Passed for Server-Side Events

Looking to see consent values are being used for the server-side events, learn how to view in the browser


If you need to verify what consent values are being passed for use with your server-side events, follow this guide to learn how to view this information.

How to View Consent Values Passed for Server-Side Events

Open Browser Dev Tools:

  • Right-click anywhere on site.
  • Click on the "Inspect" tab to open up the browser dev tools.
    • (See Figure 1)

_Figure 1_

Access Dev Tools Panel:

  • Reload you page to populate the data in dev tools.
  • Click the Network tab in the dev tools panel.
    • (See Figure 2)

_Figure 2_

Filter Results:

  • Use the search function to filter the results by "elevar?"
  • Depending on what page of you site you are on will depend how many results you see immediately after filtering.
    • If you do not see any refresh your page. Click into any one of the results.
    • (See Figure 3)

_Figure 3_### Access Marketing Data:

  • Locate and click "Payload" tab. You will see the event name here.
    • Expand the marketing data.
    • (See Figure 4)

_Figure 4_

Locate Consent Values:

  • Expand consent
  • Here you will see your consent values will be used for the server-side events associated with this browser activity. For example for the dl_user_data which will fire any server-side pageview type events you have in this example all the consent values are true, which indicates that consent has been accepted.
  • The consent types you've determined are required to pass this data to your destination are set within the destination settings in the Elevar App.
    • (See Figure 5)

_Figure 5_


Not sure what your required consent values are or need to make adjustments?

Follow our guide to customize you server-side destinations

Add to Cart Consent Example:

  • As another example let's add a product to the cart and see the consent for that event. Add your product to the cart.
  • Click the bottom event now visible in the network tab of the dev tools.
  • Confirm the event is the event you are validating, in this case dl_add_to_cart is what we are expecting.
    • (See Figure 6)

_Figure 6_

View Consent Data

  • Expand the marketing data.
  • Expand consent data.
  • View the consent status here. Again for this example the consent values are set to true.
    • (See Figure 7)

_Figure 7_