Installing Fairing With Elevar's Custom Shopify Pixel Checkout Tracking
Ensuring Fairing GA4 tags work when using Elevar's Custom Pixel for checkout tracking
- As Shopify moves customers to Checkout Extensibility, Elevar is making it easy for you ensure your tracking continues to work. Elevar offers pre built Fairing tags for GA4. However, if you're using the new custom pixel (i.e. your checkout tracking is now being done in Settings > Customer Events in Shopify), you'll need to perform a small update to ensure Fairing tracking continues to work.
- Download our Fairing tags from the prebuilt container in the Elevar app.
- Ensure you're using the Shopify Custom Pixel. You can confirm by viewing this article.
- Once you've confirmed you are using the Shopify Custom Pixel paste the code below immediately after the end of the Elevar scripts
// Begin Fairing events
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
analytics.subscribe("fairing_question_response", ({ customData: event }) => {
event: "fairingQuestionAnswered",
order_id: event.orderId,
other: event.other,
question_id: event.questionId,
question: event.questionPrompt,
response: event.response,
Click on Settings
Click on Customer events
Click on the "Custom" pixel type labelled Elevar
Paste the copied text directly below the line starting with "execute"
Click Save
Updated 11 months ago