How to Set Up Microsoft Advertising via Google Tag Manager

Learn how to implement Microsoft Advertising (Bing) Pixel/Web tracking via GTM


Follow this guide to learn how to set up Microsoft Advertising (Bing) via Google Tag Manager.


Download the Pre-Built Microsoft Advertising Tags

Locate Microsoft Advertising Container:

  • Begin on the homepage of your Elevar app. Use the left-hand navigation menu and click on the tab titled "Pre-Build Tags".
  • Use the search function to locate the Microsoft Advertising Pixel Container. Click on either the "Microsoft Advertising (Bing) With Enhanced Conversions" or "Microsoft Advertising (Bing) depending on which you are currently utilizing.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 1

Download Microsoft Advertising Container:

  • Once in the Microsoft Advertising Container, navigate to the box titled "Download Container".
    • Add in your Account ID. [How to find this?]
    • Click on the button labeled "Download Container".
      • (See Figure 2)

Step 2 screenshot

Figure 2

Import the Pre-Built Microsoft Advertising Tags into GTM

Import Container:

  • Log in to your Google Tag Manager Account.
  • Select your GTM Web Container.
  • Click on the "Admin" button located in the upper menu bar.
    • Use the right-hand menu under the "Container" section and click on the tab labeled "Import Container".
      • (See Figure 3)

Step 3 screenshot

Figure 3

Import Container Information:

  • Under the "Select file to import" section, click on the "Select File" button and choose the Microsoft Advertising Container that was previously downloaded.
  • Under the "Choose workplace" section, create a new workplace titled "Microsoft Advertising Tracking".
  • Next be sure to select the "Merge" option first, then the "Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers, and variables" option second.
  • Once you have completed filling out the necessary details for this container, click on the "Confirm" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 4)

Step 3 screenshot

Figure 4

(Optional) QA the New Tags with Google Tag Manager's Preview Mode

  • Follow our guide to QA your tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM) preview mode.

Publish the Pre-Built Tags

  • After importing the Microsoft Advertising tag container, you will be brought back to the Google Tag Manager homepage.
  • In your Microsoft Advertising Tracking workspace, click on the "Submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    • An additional confirmation page will appear. Be sure to click on the "Publish" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    • (See Figure 5)

Step 5 screenshot

Figure 5

Remove Previous Bing Tracking

  • Remove any previous Bing tracking. This could be a hardcoded script in your Shopify theme or Checkout Settings, or a third party app.

Event-based Conversion Goal in Microsoft Advertising

Before we send data to Microsoft Ads, we will need to ensure that Microsoft is able to receive this information. To do that, you will need to set up event-based conversion goals.

In the below instructions, you will learn how to create a conversion goal for your Purchase event. If you would like to send additional events to Bing (e.g. Add to Cart, Begin Checkout, etc), repeat this step but choose an Event Action/Category that better matches the event (e.g. Action = AddToCart, & Category = ecommerce).

Create Event-Based Conversion Goal:

  • In your Microsoft Ads account, locate and click on the "Tools" button.
  • An additional drop-down menu will appear, click on the "Conversion Goals" tab.
  • Click on the "+ Create" button.

New Conversion Goal Settings

Conversion Goal:

  • Navigate to the section of the page titled "What kind of conversions do you want to track" and click on the "Websites" button.
  • Once you have selected the type of conversions to track, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 6)

Step 1 screenshot

Figure 6

Conversion Goal Details:

  • After selecting the Conversion Goal, you will need to select the Conversion Goal Type.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Goal Category" and use the drop-down menu to click on the "Purchase" tab.
    • Navigate to the section of the page titled "Goal Type" and click on the "Event" box.
  • After selecting the conversion goal, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 7)

Step 2 screenshot

Figure 7

Goal Settings:

  • After selecting the Conversion Goal Type, you will need to select the Conversion Goal Details.
    • Navigate to the section titled "Name" and use the text box to type "purchase".
    • Navigate to the section title "Revenue" and use the drop-down menu to select the "Conversion action value may vary (for example, by purchase price)" tab.
      • (See Figure 8)

Step 3 screenshot_Figure 8_


The value under "revenue" can be either 0 or 1 depending on what you'd like to send when there's no revenue.

(Optional) Advanced Goal Settings:

  • After selecting the Goal Settings, you have the option to select Advances Goal Settings.
    • Here you can select additional options for Scope, Count, Conversion Window, View-through Conversion window, Include in "Conversions", and Conversion attribution model.
  • Once you have entered all of the Advanced Goal Settings, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 9)

Step 4 screenshot

_Figure 9_

Enhanced Conversions:

  • After selecting the Goal Settings, you have the option to select and set up Enhanced Conversions.
    • Click on either the "Turn on Enhanced Conversions" box or the "I don't want to use enhanced conversions" box.
    • If you select "Turn on Enhanced Conversions", read the terms of use and privacy policy and then click on the box agreeing to the use of Enhanced Conversions.
  • Once you have selected all of the required information for selecting whether or not to use Enhanced Conversions, click on the "Next" button located at the page.
    • (See Figure 10)

Step 5 screenshot

Figure 10

Set Up Tagging:

  • After selecting whether or not to use Enhanced Conversions, you will need to select how you are going to set up the tagging.
    • Locate and click on the box titled "Install the tag yourself".
    • Once you have selected how you are going to set up tagging, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the page.
      • (See Figure 11)

Step 6 screenshot_Figure 11_

Install Event Tag:

  • After selecting how to set up the tagging, you will need to select how you are going to install the event tag.
    • Locate the section titled "How would you like to install your event-tag?" and click on the "Manual installation" button.
  • Once you have selected how you are going to install the event tag, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the screen.
    • (See Figure 12)

Step 7 screenshotFigure 12

  • You will need to edit the custom event parameters for the event tag.
    • Navigate to the section titled "Custom event parameters" and locate the "Action" tab. Use the text box and type "purchase".
    • Click on the "+ Add another parameter" button. An additional option menu will appear, click on the "Category" option. Then for the new parameter, use the text box and type "checkout".
  • Navigate to the section of the page titled "When do you want to track this event?" and use the drop-down menu to click on the "Track event on inline action." tab.
  • After you have entered all of the required information for installing the event tag, click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the page.
    • (See Figure 13)

Step 8 screenshot_Figure 13_