How to Setup Sendlane Split Test Automations

First, learn about your potential

Using server-side tracking in conjunction with your existing client-side Sendlane tracking will allow you to collect additional information with our identity solution and session enrichment.

You can expect to improve your abandonment flows & identify abandoners that your client-side tracking misses due to cookie limitations!

This blog article is focused on Klaviyo, but the concepts and wins can be applied to your sendlane automations to observe improved performance and unlock this secret weapon!

Next, set up your Sendlane server-side destination

How to Set Up Elevar's Sendlane Server-Side Integration

Events elevar sends

Once you've set up your Sendlane Side Tracking, you'll be sending the following server-side events to Sendlane:

Event Name Elevar SendsEquivalent Sendlane Event
elevar-add-to-cartAbandoned Cart / Added to Cart
elevar-begin-checkoutAbandoned Checkout
elevar-view-itemAbandoned Product Viewed / Product Viewed
elevar-page-viewThere is no Sendlane equivalent. This allows you to do site abandonment campaigns.
elevar-view-item-listThere is no Sendlane equivalent. This allows you to do collection abandonment campaigns.
elevar-purchaseOrder Placed / Product Purchase

Then, set up your abandonment automations

To calculate the ROI of the net new identified cart abandoners, we'll need to set up an Automation in Sendlane that sends messages to just that group of shoppers.

Duplicate your existing automation

Customize the Trigger

Add a new Trigger

In the Triggers nav that appears, Select the Custom column

Select Custom Event

Choose the "Elevar" Store you set up during the Destination Setup as instructed here. And select the Elevar event that is equivalent to your Sendlane event that this Automation was originally based on. In my example, I'm setting up Cart Abandonment Split Test, so I chose "elevar-add-to-cart".

Remove your previous Abandoned Cart trigger

Add a Goal

To exclude customers that are captured by Sendlane's client-side tracking so that you're only sending messages to net new abandoners, add a goal at the bottom of your flow.

How goals work is: as soon as the shopper matches the goal requirements, they will skip the rest of the automation's steps and go directly to the goal step.

So by having a goal step at the bottom of your Automation with the requirements of "Shopify checkout is_complete OR shopper is in Main Cart Abandonment Automation", then any shopper who either completes their purchase or who is in your main Cart Abandonment Automation will not receive the emails/SMS messages in your Split Test Automation.

Customize the message copy

Review the message copy & make sure all dynamic variables reference the format of the Elevar Events.

Example Dynamic Variable

Here's an example of dynamic variables that could be included in your emails:

If you're displaying dynamic images, there will by dynamic variables in the HTML that you'll need to update:

How to know what format Elevar's Events Use

You can see the format of the Elevar events in Integrations > Custom Integration > your Elevar Custom Integration > www icon.

Here you'll see example events & their formats.


How do I format the Custom Data Variables?

Sendlane uses Twig Syntax for their messages. So you'll need to use twig templating syntax to pull in custom event data into your messages.

A few common dynamic variables are:

{{ data.eventItems.0.productTitle }} = Product Title

{{ data.eventItems.0.price }} = Product Price

{{ data.eventItems.0.imageUrl }} = Product Image

{{ data.eventItems.0.url }} = URL the shopper was on when the action occurred

Note that you'll need to define "Data" before you can reference it in your emails & SMS messages: {% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %}

Previewing Your Email

Use Sendlane's Preview mode to preview how the email will look with an example event:

Activate the Automation

When your ready to go live with your split test, first take a screenshot of the metrics (conversions, emails sent, etc) of your main abandonment automation in Sendlane's Automation Section. You'll use this when calculating the net new revenue generated by Elevar.

Then, set your split test Automation to Active

Finally, analyze the performance

Send messages to only the net new abandoners identified by Elevar so that you can see the net new revenue generated.

How to Calculate Additional Revenue from Sendlane Server-Side Tracking