How to Set Up Sendlane Split Test Automations
Learn About Your Potential:
Using server-side tracking in conjunction with your existing client-side Sendlane tracking will allow you to collect additional information with our identity solution and session enrichment.
You can expect to improve your abandonment flows & identify abandoners that your client-side tracking misses due to cookie limitations!
Sendlane Server-Side Destination
How to Set Up Elevar's Sendlane Server-Side Integration
Events Elevar Sends:
Once you have set up your Sendlane server-side tracking, you will be sending the following server-side events to Sendlane:
Event Name Elevar Sends | Equivalent Sendlane Event |
elevar-add-to-cart | Abandoned Cart / Added to Cart |
elevar-begin-checkout | Abandoned Checkout |
elevar-view-item | Abandoned Product Viewed / Product Viewed |
elevar-page-view | There is no Sendlane equivalent. This allows you to do site abandonment campaigns. |
elevar-view-item-list | There is no Sendlane equivalent. This allows you to do collection abandonment campaigns. |
elevar-purchase | Order Placed / Product Purchase |
Abandonment Automations
To calculate the ROI of the net new identified cart abandoners, we will need to set up an "Automation" in Sendlane that sends messages to just that group of shoppers. An Automation is a series of actions and communications triggered by a Contact's behavior and preferences. You can use an Automation when you want to send content based on Contacts' interactions with your brand.
Additionally you can exclude customers that are captured by Sendlane's client-side tracking so that you are only sending messages to net new abandoners by adding a goal to your flow. As soon as the shopper matches the goal requirements, they will skip the rest of the automation's steps and go directly to the goal step.
How to Set Up Abandonment Automations
Duplicate Existing Automation:
- Begin on your Sendlane homepage and use the left-hand menu to click on the "Automations" tab.
- Locate the existing Automation and click on the "Duplicate Automation" button.
- (See Figure 1)
Figure 1
Add Trigger:
- To add a new trigger, navigate into the Automation. Then locate and click on the "+ Add Trigger" box.
- (See Figure 2)
Figure 2
Add Custom Event:
- An additional pop-up window will appear titled "Triggers". Use the menu at the top of this window and ensure that you are under the "Custom" tab.
- From the list of available custom triggers that you can add, locate and click on the "Custom Event" option.
- (See Figure 3)
_Figure 3_

Custom Event Customization:
- Once you have navigated to the Custom Event page, locate the "Store" section and use the drop-down menu to choose the "Elevar" Store you set up during the Destination Setup as instructed here.
- Next, locate the section titled "Event" and use the drop-down menu to select the Elevar event that is equivalent to your Sendlane event that this Automation was originally based on.
- (See Figure 4)
_Figure 4_
Note: Remove your previous Abandoned Cart trigger!
After you have created a new custom Abandoned Cart trigger, be sure to remove the previous Abandoned Cart trigger
Add Goal:
- By having a Goal step at the bottom of your Automation with the requirements of "Shopify checkout is_complete OR shopper is in Main Cart Abandonment Automation", then any shopper who either completes their purchase or who is in your main Cart Abandonment Automation will not receive the emails/SMS messages in your Split Test Automation.
- To add a Goal, click on the "+" button at the bottom of your flow and select "Goal" from the additional pop-up window.
- Navigate to the section of the window titled "Name" and use the text box to add the name you wish to give this Goal.
- Navigate to the section of the window titled "Select Condition" and use the drop-down menu to select the requirements for this goal.
- After entering the required information for the new Goal, be sure to click on the "Done" button at the bottom of the window.
- (See Figure 5)
Figure 5
Customize the message copy:
- Review the message copy and make sure all dynamic variables reference the format of the Elevar Events.
- See Figure 6 for an example of dynamic variables that could be included in your emails.

Figure 6
If you're displaying dynamic images, there will by dynamic variables in the HTML that you'll need to update!
How to Know What Format Elevar's Events Use:
- To see the format of the Elevar events, begin by accesing your "Integrations" from the Sendlane homepage.
- Next, locate and click on the "Custom Integration" button.
- Locate your Elevar Custom Integrations and click on the "www" icon.
- (See Figure 7)
Figure 7
How do I format the Custom Data Variables?
Sendlane uses Twig Syntax for their messages. So you will need to use Twig templating syntax to pull in custom event data into your messages.
A few common dynamic variables are:
- {{ data.eventItems.0.productTitle }} = Product Title
- {{ data.eventItems.0.price }} = Product Price
- {{ data.eventItems.0.imageUrl }} = Product Image
- {{ data.eventItems.0.url }} = URL the shopper was on when the action occurred
You will need to define "Data" before you can reference it in your emails & SMS messages: {% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %}
Previewing Your Email
- Use Sendlane's Preview mode to preview how the email will look with an example event
- (See Figure 8)
_Figure 8_
Activate Automation
- When you are ready to go live with your split test, take a screenshot of the metrics (conversions, emails sent, etc) of your main abandonment automation in Sendlane's Automation Section. You will use this when calculating the net new revenue generated by Elevar.
- Once you have a screenshot of the metrics, set your split test Automation to Active by clicking on the "Active" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- (Figure 9)
_Figure 9 _
Calculate Additional Revenue from Sendlane Server-Side Tracking
Calculate Revenue from Main Automation:
- In order to calculate the revenue generated from your main Automation during the time period, grab the screenshot you took of your main automation's conversions right before you launched your split test.
- Next, pull the revenue number currently attributed to your main Automation in Sendlane by navigating to the "Automations" tab.
- Then, click on the "Your Automation" option and locate the revenue number by looking under the "Conversions" column.
- (See Figure 10)

Figure 10
- Subtract the revenue number that your main Automation started with from the current revenue number you see attributed to this Automation now. This will give you the revenue generated by the main automation during the timeframe of your split test.
Pull Net New Revenue from Elevar Automation:
- Remain in Sendlane's Automation section, find your split test Automation and pull the revenue number under the "Conversions" column. This is how much net new revenue your split test generated in the time frame!
- (Figure 11)

_Figure 11_
Calculate Percent Increase:
- (Revenue from split test automation during x time period / revenue from main automation during x time period) x 100 = percent increase in revenue due to Elevar's server-side tracking.
Updated 5 months ago