Enabled Google Consent Mode V2 Updates (Pandectes)

This guide is specific to Pandectes with an enabled GCM integration

If your Google Consent Mode is enabled within Pandectes you'll see the following on the Pandectes integration settings.

Although this may have been functioning as expected this is not the recommended setup. Currently we are not seeing what is expected behavior for V2 using this setup, so we recommend that you adjust your setup to our recommended setup when using Pandectes and Elevar together by following these next steps.

Set You Defaults Through Google Tag Manager (GTM)

You'll update your setup to assign your defaults in GTM

Import Pandectes Container to GTM

Click here to be taken to the Pandectes pre-built tags.

Once you download the pre-built container, import the tags in Google Tag Manager. How do I do this?

Assign Default Consent Statuses

In your Pre-Built Consent Tags, there is a section where you can choose to allow certain cookies to fire before the shopper grants or denies consent. If you need to see what you had set previously .

Publish Your Changes in GTM

Disable Google Consent Mode Integration

In Shopify Navigate to your Pandectes App > Go to your Settings

Step 1 screenshot

Select Integrations

Step 2 screenshot

Disable the Google Consent Mode so it now appears like this:

You've now completed your conversion and are ready to confirm your setup!

Confirm your consent now includes the new values

The best way to check your defaults are to view in Google Tag Manager Preview Mode. After Making your updates access Google Tag Manager and select preview.

Enter your website URL and click connect

Your site will load and you'll want to return to the preview tab to confirm your consent defaults and consent updates.

Confirm consent default values

Follow these steps to confirm the defaults have been set.

  1. Click on the first Consent event in the left column, the lowest number and lowest in the list.
  2. Click on the Consent Tab
  3. Review the values in the On-page Default column. You are looking to see values for all the consent types and specifically the updates for consent mode V2 you will see the addition of ad_user_data and ad_personalization

If you are seeing ad_personalization and ad_user_data like below your defaults are now updated for consent mode v2!

Confirm your consent update values

Next, we will confirm your consent update values if available. If your banner displays for your region, accept or deny your consent.

Now you'll want to select the most recent Consent event that was triggered by your update. You are looking to see that you now have values for all the consent types in the On-page Update column. Specifically the change for consent mode v2 is that you have values for ad_user_date and ad_personalization

If you are seeing ad_personalization and ad_user_data like below you are all set for consent mode v2!

Still have questions, concerns, or lack confidence in your updates? We've got you covered!

Reach out to our support team to have them review your updates.