How to Update to Shopify's Checkout Extensibility

Shopify's Checkout Extensibility offers many new features for merchants to take advantage of. This does, however, affect your tracking.


Shopify's Checkout Extensibility offers many new features for merchants to take advantage of. This does, however, affect your tracking. Depending on your current settings you may be all set or you may need to make some adjustments. Follow through these steps below to ensure your tracking is setup for success when using checkout extensibility.

This guide covers the steps you need to take to update your tracking through Elevar to be compatible with checkout extensibility, if you are looking for how to enable checkout extensibility please review Shopify's upgrade guide.

Confirm you are on our Shopify source

You'll need to be on our Shopify source. Within your Elevar app navigate to My Tracking

If you are on the Shopify source you'll see Shopify in your Sources as shown below.

If you are not on our Shopify source follow our guide to upgrade.

Confirm you are action based checkout events

Most likely when you upgraded to our Shopify source you likely converted to action based checkout events. However, let's take a minute to double check that your destinations have this setting in your destinations.

Within your Elevar app navigate to My Tracking and select each of your destination

Review your first destination, go to the Events step. Here you'll see one of two options selected. Follow steps depending on what you see. Jump to: Use best practices | I want to customize manually

Use best practices

If your destination is using best practices like below you are all set and no changes needed. Move on to review your next destination.

I want to customize manually

If your destination has customizations to the events we'll review if any changes are needed. If you do not see the Begin Checkout, Add Shipping Info, and Add Payment Info events having the Server event checkboxes checked. You'll need to check to check these boxes. For some destinations such as GA4 this will automatically uncheck the web events, for other destinations the web events will remain.

This depends on the destination and if they can receive the events and deduplicate. No need to over think, just ensure that the server events are checked.

Then under Event Tracking Customization, ensure that you enabled the Use checkout related actions as the trigger for checkout funnel events option.

Be sure to save any changes you've made!

If you already had these settings you are all set! Review your next destination.

Confirm you are not using Thank You and Order status extensibility

Thank you and Order status extensibility will disable your Order Status scripts. This may impact more then your Elevar tracking, as any scripts located in this script block will no longer load on your thank you page.

To ensure you are not on Thank You and Order status extensibility navigate within Shopify to Settings > Checkout and review your Upgrade status as the top of the page. You'll want to see only the Checkout checked as upgrade complete.

If your Upgrade status looks as below you are on checkout extensibility only. This is our current recommendation and compatible with our tracking.

What to do if you have Thank You and Order status extensibility?

We recommend disabling Thank You and Order status extensibility and you can learn more on our FAQ for Thank You and Order Status Extensibility

As an alternative you can migrate your checkout tracking to use a Shopify Custom Pixel as specified here.

All set!

If you've completed the above steps your tracking is set to continue with checkout extensibility!