Example Shopify Source Script Without Comments
When upgrading to the new Shopify Source reference this for an example of the data layer script you may need to remove
The script in your checkout settings may or may not have opening or closing comments like <!-- Begin Elevar --> and <!-- End Elevar -->. Below is what your Elevar Shopify Source script looks like without the comments. Use this a guide to find the beginning and end of the scripts when needed.
<script type="module">
try {
const response = await fetch("https://shopify-gtm-suite.getelevar.com/configs/617bd46625d10a8d734ad3effce11112311231212313123/config.json");
const config = await response.json();
const scriptUrl = config.script_src_app_theme_embed;
if (scriptUrl) {
const { handler } = await import(scriptUrl);
await handler(
cartData: {
attributes: {{- cart.attributes | json -}},
cartTotal: "{{- cart.total_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
currencyCode: {{- cart.currency.iso_code | json -}},
items: [
{%- for line_item in cart.items -%}
{%- if line_item.sku != blank -%}
id: {{- line_item.sku | json -}},
{%- else -%}
id: "{{- line_item.product_id | json -}}",
{%- endif -%}
name: {{- line_item.product.title | json -}},
brand: {{- line_item.vendor | json -}},
category: {{- line_item.product.type | json -}},
variant: {{- line_item.variant.title | json -}},
price: "{{- line_item.final_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
position: {{- forloop.index -}},
quantity: "{{- line_item.quantity | json -}}",
productId: "{{- line_item.product_id | json -}}",
variantId: "{{- line_item.variant_id -}}",
compareAtPrice: "{{- line_item.variant.compare_at_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
image: "{{- line_item.image | image_url -}}"
{%- endfor -%}
user: {
{%- if checkout -%}
cartTotal: "{{- checkout.total_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
currencyCode: {{- checkout.currency | json -}},
{%- else -%}
cartTotal: "{{- cart.total_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
currencyCode: {{- cart.currency.iso_code | json -}},
{%- endif -%}
{%- if customer -%}
customer: {
id: "{{- customer.id | json -}}",
email: {{- customer.email | json -}},
firstName: {{- customer.first_name | json -}},
lastName: {{- customer.last_name | json -}},
phone: {{- customer.phone | json -}},
city: {{- customer.default_address.city | json -}},
zip: {{- customer.default_address.zip | json -}},
address1: {{- customer.default_address.address1 | json -}},
address2: {{- customer.default_address.address2 | json -}},
country: {{- customer.default_address.country | json -}},
countryCode: {{- customer.default_address.country_code | json -}},
province: {{- customer.default_address.province | json -}},
provinceCode: {{- customer.default_address.province_code | json -}},
tags: {{- customer.tags | join: ', ' | json -}}
{%- endif -%}
isOnCartPage: false,
collectionView: null,
searchResultsView: null,
productView: null,
checkoutComplete: {%- if checkout and first_time_accessed -%}
currencyCode: {{- checkout.currency | json -}},
actionField: {
{%- if checkout.order_id -%}
id: {{- checkout.order_id | json -}},
{%- else -%}
id: {{- checkout.id | json -}},
{%- endif -%}
{%- if checkout.order_name -%}
order_name: {{- checkout.order_name | json -}},
{%- endif -%}
affiliation: {{- shop.name | json -}},
revenue: "{{- checkout.total_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
tax: "{{- checkout.tax_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
shipping: "{{- checkout.shipping_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
{%- if checkout.discount_applications -%}
coupon: {{- checkout.discount_applications[0].title | json -}},
{%- endif -%}
{%- if order.subtotal_price -%}
subTotal: "{{- order.subtotal_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
{%- elsif checkout.subtotal_price -%}
subTotal: "{{- checkout.subtotal_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
{%- endif -%}
productSubTotal: "{{- checkout.line_items_subtotal_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
discountAmount: "{{- checkout.discounts_amount | times: 0.01 | json -}}"
{%- if checkout.customer -%}
customer: {
id: "{{- checkout.customer.id | json -}}",
email: {{- checkout.email | json -}},
firstName: {{- checkout.billing_address.first_name | json -}},
lastName: {{- checkout.billing_address.last_name | json -}},
{%- if checkout.customer.phone -%}
phone: {{- checkout.customer.phone | json -}},
{%- elsif checkout.billing_address.phone -%}
phone: {{- checkout.billing_address.phone | json -}},
{%- else -%}
phone: {{- checkout.shipping_address.phone | json -}},
{%- endif -%}
city: {{- checkout.billing_address.city | json -}},
zip: {{- checkout.billing_address.zip | json -}},
address1: {{- checkout.billing_address.address1 | json -}},
address2: {{- checkout.billing_address.address2 | json -}},
country: {{- checkout.billing_address.country | json -}},
countryCode: {{- checkout.billing_address.country_code | json -}},
province: {{- checkout.billing_address.province | json -}},
provinceCode: {{- checkout.billing_address.province_code | json -}},
tags: {{- checkout.customer.tags | json -}}
{%- endif -%}
items: [
{%- for line_item in checkout.line_items -%}
{%- if line_item.sku != blank -%}
id: {{- line_item.sku | json -}},
{%- else -%}
id: "{{- line_item.product_id | json -}}",
{%- endif -%}
name: {{- line_item.product.title | json -}},
brand: {{- line_item.vendor | json -}},
category: {{- line_item.product.type | json -}},
variant: {{- line_item.variant.title | json -}},
price: "{{- line_item.final_price | times: 0.01 | json -}}",
quantity: "{{- line_item.quantity | json -}}",
productId: "{{- line_item.product_id | json -}}",
variantId: "{{- line_item.variant_id -}}",
image: "{{- line_item.image | image_url -}}"
{%- endfor -%}
landingSite: {{- checkout.landing_site | json -}}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
} catch (error) {
console.error("Elevar Error:", error);
Updated about 1 year ago