How to Locate Google Ads Account ID

Learn how to locate your Google Ads Account ID

How to Find Your Account ID In The Google Ads Interface

Access Google Ads Account Settings:

  • Log into your Google Ads Accounts
  • Navigate to the upper-right hand corner of the homepage. Your Google Ads Account/Merchant ID will be located here.
    • Remove the dashes when entering for your Google Ads server-side destination.
    • (See Figure 1)

Step 1 screenshotFigure 1


Using an MCC?

If you're using an MCC, first check your "Sub-account Settings" in your MCC. If the Google Ads conversion account says "client", then you must use the Customer ID of the child Google Ads Account.

If it says "This manager" then you must use the Customer ID of the MCC Google Ads Account. [Google Article]