3.13 Jan 24th, 2024

This release includes enhancements to prevent Elevar's tracking from being blocked by ad blockers. It also includes updates to our Google Consent Mode v2 & GA4 integration, as well as Taboola available as a public beta.

3.12 Dec 19th, 2023

This release includes the launch of Awin, Rakuten, and Pub/Sub as new server-side destinations.

3.11 Dec 11th, 2023

This release includes support for the new vs returning user data, releasing Attentive as a public beta integration, the ability to send a subscribe (subscription purchase) event server-side, and the ability to segment subscription vs one-time vs recurring orders in GA4.

3.10 Nov 9th, 2023

This release includes the ability to customize consent fallback logic for server-side & session enrichment tracking in case a consent banner does not provide consent values. It also includes an update where the server purchase event includes the best possible data available both client-side and server-side. Plus the release of a Postscript Private Beta integration (limited seats available).

3.9 Oct 12th, 2023

This release introduces our new Shopify Source (a.k.a. App Theme Embed) which gives you auto-updates to your data layer. It also includes the ability to have multiple pixels per destination, track product list views as you scroll, capture product list views on infinite load collection pages & three new developer betas: Iterable, Sendlane, & PubSub.

Bug Fix Sept 12th, 2023

An update to ensure that the action-based server-side checkout funnel events consistently send the GA4 cookie value as the Client ID.

v3.8 Aug 22nd, 2023

This release includes Consent Mode for Session Enrichment, updates to the Impact Radius integration, and the ability to order tags/customer tags to GA4.

v3.7 Aug 1st, 2023

This release includes Elevar's Checkout Extensibility Integration, checkout funnel events for non-plus stores, and the ability to send offline orders (like recurring orders) to GA4 with source/medium overrides

v3.6 July 20th, 2023

This release includes the ability to delete shopper data from Session Enrichment, Outbrain as a public beta, Attentive & Partnerize as new hidden developer betas, and filtering out bot traffic from server-side hits.

v3.5.3 July 5th, 2023

Updates to All Order Notes Offsite to ensure as many orders have attribution as possible.