v2.38 August 15th, 2022

This release has server-side updates to have the ability to send all events server-side for Universal Analytics, and adding Snapchat Conversion API. UI updates to unify web and server-side tracking into a single destination when available. New plan options and done-for-you services.

Server-Side Updates

  • Universal Analytics - Ability to send all e-commerce funnel events (i.e. add to cart, product views, etc) via server-side.
  • Snapchat Conversion API - Available on all server-side plans. [How to set this up]

Platform Updates

  • Data Layer & Server-Side navigation options have been merged into My Tracking.
  • Unifying browser tracking & server-side tracking into a single "destination". We'll be migrating marketing channel tags in the Pre-Built Tag Library into Destinations in the future.
  • Signup flow with questions that will guide you to the right plan for your goals.
  • In-app onboarding flow with step-by-step guidance + timeline

Plan Updates

  • New Plans options focused on key goals:
    • Elevar's Server = Best if you want to improve the accuracy of Google Analytics, Facebook, etc. Use Elevar's server to get 100% channel accuracy quickly.
    • Google Cloud Server = Best if you want improved accuracy + customizability. Use your own server + our pre-built server-side templates to get 100% channel accuracy.
    • Data Layer + Browser Tracking = Best is you want browser tracking only. This plan gives you our one-click install data layer and access to our pre-built web tags.
  • Done-for-your Services:
    • Add-Ons have been renamed One-Time Audits & Setups
    • Pro plan support is now a Monthly Service titled Ongoing Tag & Tracking Management

Note: If you are on a legacy plan (i.e. Pro, Advanced, Basic, etc) you will continue receiving the same access & support you have paid for. If you need to change your plan in the future, you will need to change to the new plans & monthly services.