v2.40 September 15th, 2022

Enhancements for user identification and attribution storage. App UI changes for an improved experience. Bug fixes for GA4 GTM server-side container users, and cookie persistence.

New Enhancements:

  • Using a new server-side cookie with 1 year browser expiration as User Identifier; this cookie is resistant to browser forcing expiration restrictions (ex. Safari 24 hour expiration, etc)
  • Enhancements to offsite storage (it will now store attribution details when order notes are populated but don't include Elevar's specific order notes)
  • Added Sales Channel to Attribution Feed (so you can filter out offline orders that don't have attribution details)
  • Updated Shopify Connection Step to adhere to Shopify's new authentication flow

Bug Fixes:

  • Add Session ID Fallback to GA4 Container for those using their own Google Tag Manager Server Container
  • Always persist cookies and parameters to local storage regardless of cart reconciliation being enabled.