v2.23 June 23rd, 2021

We've added data layer updates to improve attribution, making cart data available at the initiate checkout, making order name available for purchase events, and improved purchase data capture. Improvements to the Facebook pre-built tags.

Data Layer Changes


We've added the following updates to data layer:

  • Added a global ecommerce_cart_contents variable that contains the contents of shopping cart across website. This is good for proceed to checkout actions that need the product contents of shopping cart.
  • Added a marketing object that contains UTM parameter, fbclid, and gclid from the users previous session. This persists in local storage and will only change if the user visits with revised utm parameters.
  • Added a fallback to the phone number on purchases to improve the phone # capture rate
  • Added order_name to the thank you page purchase object so you can use order.id or order.name in your conversion tags.
  • Added a fallback for the primary ID used in the ecommerce purchase object. If order.id does not exist then we fallback to checkout.id.

Pre Built Tag Updates

  • Facebook Conversion API Updates in web and server containers. Added external_id and phone number fallbacks.
  • Broke out PageView event in Facebook pixel so you can match with conversion API events