v2.20.0 March 30th, 2021

Data Layer changes to cookies, new pre-built tags for Hotjar, Impact Radius, Criteo, ReCharge, and Upscribe and Conversion API support added for ReCharge and Upscribe.

Data Layer Changes

  • Adds support for cookie persistence
  • Adds the ability to send theme installation instructions to a developer

Pre-Built Tag Changes

We've added Conversion API support for:

  • ReCharge
  • Upscribe

This requires updates to your web and server-side containers which you can download from your Elevar dashboard.

We've also added new web containers for:

  • Hotjar
  • Impact Radius
  • Hotjar w/Purchase Tracking
  • Criteo
  • ReCharge
  • Upscribe

Our complete containers for Shopify, Shopify Plus, and Facebook have been updated to support subscription conversions. Future support coming for Bold, Carthook, and OneClickUpsell.